A little bit gutted


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2009
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Liv has learnt to say 'dada' and it breaks my heart when she says it. I know she doesn't understand what it means and to her it's just a noise she can now make but it just reminds me that she's never going to get to call anyone 'dada'. Am I being a little silly?

You can give her all the love she needs! Try not to be sad xxx
Its not silly at all. And one day she will be able to call someone dada. It'll just take some time. Just be proud that soon she'll be saying mama to you :)
She can already say momma bless her. I never call anyone dad around her cos I just didn't want her to learn it. Guess I couldn't really stop it happening but It was worth a shot x

:hug: its just one of the natural sounds they make! but i know it hurts! i remember being gutted when K first said dada, cos i did everything for her, even tho we were together and it well upset me! luckily, Es only made the dada type sounds a few times, but tbh she doesnt really say anything!
Yeah I am glad momma came first otherwise I'd have to disown her lmao x

Ahh. That's cute! And yes she will have someone to call dada all in good time. I have a good feelin about you! Where are you from meeah? x
Yeah my lil boy is 8 months old an says dadda all the time it first upset me as i did all the work and sorted him and all that but i wished hed say mumma or sumit else lol.
Its wierd that we do all the work but they still daddys boy/girl !!! x
Liv has no choice to be a mummys girl I'm all she has lol I am loved the most and I was first word so I can't complain too much x


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