A lickle tea party...

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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Being the soft ass that I am, I did a l'il tea party for James being 6 months. :D

It was just James, Daddy me and the doggies! But it was fun and my little man certainly enjoyed himself! Here are some piccys from the day...

All dressed up and ready for his party!


One of the doggies raring to go..


Daddy getting into the spirit of things...


Mmm Party Food! Thanks Mummy!


Yum Yum..



Cake time!! A candle for each month..


Awww bless him - look at him with his sarnies :hug:

Looks like you had a great day :hug:

Happy half birthday lad :D :cheer:
How great :D
He is such a gorgeous little man Jen.

Loving the dog in the hat :lol:
I know I crack up everytime I see that pic of Boo with the hat!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Angus got one too but he pulled it off within seconds so i couldnt get a pic!
Look how grown up he is! Hope he had a great half birthday and that my cake is in the post :wink: :lol:
Great piccies and not stupid at all! I also noticed that daddy wasnt drinking tea...was that the bribe for him to wear a hat? :rotfl:
How did you keep hats on everyone...I want yr trick!!!

Glad you had such a super time...happy six months James. If this is your half birthday party I hope I am invited to the big day when you are one!!!! Mum looks like a great organiser!

Awwwwwwww..... lovely pics jen... he is as scrummy as usual :D
Happy half birthday James!!!!!!!!!!

He looks sooo sweet in his little party hat!!! :lol:
awww happy half birthday :) hes so gorgeos and had a fab time by the looks of things.cake looks yummy :) did the dog get cake too?

ps where did yo get his t shirt it looks fab?
Awwwww I think it's a lovely idea! He is getting more and more gorgeous every time I see pics of him!
Happy 6 months James! :cheer:
Aww thatsa lovely thing to do jen - james looked super cute and look at him sitting up! Bless! :D
Gorgeous pics!!

We too have a Westie, and ours too sits gazing up at the high chair to see what bits of food fall off onto her mouth :lol:

James is adorable xxxx

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