A Few questions........


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Morning Ladies,

Just have a few questions for you all:

Firstly for those of you who drank Raspberry Leaf tea, when did you start to drink it, and is it best to supplement with the tablets as well? I keep reading different articles on the best time to start taking it.

Did any of you try homeopathic remedies whilst in labour, and did they work - I have ordered some rescue remedy which I found quite effective in the past, anything I should try?

How soon did you have your hospital bag packed? DH keeps telling me it should be done by now, and I keep thinking its all a bit early!!

Im going through that stage at the moment where I keep putting everything off, and have so much on my mind I cant focus on what I should be doing.......and hoping Im normal and the nesting instinct might kick in over the next few weeks????

Thank you...... :hug:
Ive just stated talking Raspberry Leaf - they say after 35 weeks and i am 36 - i just have the tablets though as the tea is rank :puke:

I also had my hospital bag packed from 28 weeks :oops: a bit early maybe but better to be prepared AND its been unpacked and re-packed a few times

As for homeopathic remedied - not thought about that

Hope this helps
Nat x
I started drinking tea from 32 weeks till I gave birth. I started on 1 cup a day and built up to 8 (think it was 8 cant quite remember it was a lot anyhow) I ran out of tea towards at about 39 weeks so I bought some tablets that I took then rather than tea.

I tried arnica tablets during labour but after the first couple of tablets when the contractions really started kicking in I forgot to take them. I started again after I had given birth and just took the lot over the course of 4 weeks (not sure if you were supposed to do this) cause I ended up having a c-section that then got infected and wasn't healing very well plus I was still bleeding for 8 weeks afterwards so thought the arnica would help.

I had all goo intentions of packing my bag when I finished work at 34 weeks but in reality I packed at 37 weeks.

I don't think I ever had any nesting instinct, I was a lazy arse after finishing work, I spent the first week making meals for the freezer then I cleaned the next week then till baby was born I was in the garden every day reading my book eating ice-cream cause it was sooo bloody hot in May :D

Put your feet up and relax, you will be glad of a rest cause you wont get much opportunity once your baby arrives.

ETA: Some interesting reading here on raspberry leaf tea http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnan...gyourbabysbirth/raspberryteaeaselabourexpert/
When I was on my 3rd baby I was really relaxed about packing a bag. Then one day I started bleeding and rushed into hospital.... they kept me in and I had no bag! OH had to go and try and chuck some stuff in a bag for me it was a nightmare, then they were on about keeping me in for a week, and inducing me early :shock:

My advice is...pack your bag! even if it's just a few little things for now, you can always re pack it later :)
I packed at 37 weeks as I was going on holiday and needed to take it with me just incase as OH couldnt just nip home for a few things.

I knew I could be in hospital for a while before/after birth so I also put stuff that fit me and matched in an obvious place as I knew if I asked OH to get me some pants/outfits/nighty he would get totally innapropriate stuff :lol:

I started RLT on my holiday so 37 weeks but when I returned I was bed bound and couldnt make them myself, as DH was at work I couldnt continue this birth was the same as my first birth when I religiously took RLT.

I had a jasmine poultice(sp?) applied to my belly after I had given birth as I retained my placenta. I had not heard of this before the MW asked if I wanted to try it but they use it quite alot at my hospital and say they see good results, it didnt work for me but I loved the smell!
i took raspberry leaf tablets from about 35 weeks. packed a little hosp bad at 36 weeks-ish but wasnt expecting to use it as had a home birth. i didnt end up needing it as all went to plan :)
EllieBelle said:
Firstly for those of you who drank Raspberry Leaf tea, when did you start to drink it, and is it best to supplement with the tablets as well? I keep reading different articles on the best time to start taking it.

Tea from 33 weeks or so, building up to 6 cups a day at 36 weeks. I found this hard to do (on top of drinking other fluids) so took the tablets from 35 weeks or so and was on the maximum dose at 37 weeks. The tablets are stronger than the tea fwiw. I was taking two tablets, three times a day with meals. Second stage labour lasted 34 minutes :lol:

EllieBelle said:
Did any of you try homeopathic remedies whilst in labour, and did they work - I have ordered some rescue remedy which I found quite effective in the past, anything I should try?

I used rescue remedy in labour and found it brought me back to earth on the few occasions I needed it. Didn't use it more than 4 times iirc. Just enough and it did the trick when I was losing the plot a bit in labour.

EllieBelle said:
How soon did you have your hospital bag packed? DH keeps telling me it should be done by now, and I keep thinking its all a bit early!!

Had a homebirth but packed a bag at 36 weeks just in case.
I was very late starting RLT and didnt hold up much hope for it helping at all! I drank the tea (and I still am as I love it) and drank it from about 36-37 weeks! lol BUT...... once babs finally started to descend, my second stage was recorded as 15 minutes!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: It was amazing as with all my other 3, my second stages were at least 1.5 hours each time!

I packed my bags at about 26 weeks lol! Just liked to have things organized and stuff!
I started drinking RLT just last week, it's really nice although it does give me heartburn if i drink it in the evening. Im starting with just one cup a day then gona gradually build up to 4/5.

As for my hospital bag.... it's all packed and ready to go!!!
i didnt try homeopathic things, but if youre into natural pain relief etc i can TOTALLY recommend a birth pool. i dont kno how i'd have coped with the last couple of hours if i hadnt had that pool. i borrowed mine off a friend (just used new liner for hygiene) but u can buy them online there is plenty of time, my friend's arrived within a week. birthpoolinabox is the one we used it was fab :D
:doh: oops just woffled on there as if u were having a HB, sorry! if ur going to hospital ask them about the pools there, i'd even ask the MW beforehand and put it in your notes so they know you want it (you might not be able to tell them when it comes to it!)

just pack a small bag with minimal essentials, leave it in the corner in case its needed urgently (if youre early), then u can always send people home to bring u more stuff :) then nearer the time if u like u can add to it. i believe the hosp provide stuff tho (correc me if i'm wrong, hosp birth mummys!) i think they give u nappies, towels and formula if ur FFing???
Firstly for those of you who drank Raspberry Leaf tea, when did you start to drink it, and is it best to supplement with the tablets as well? I keep reading different articles on the best time to start taking it.
I had one cup of tea a day (by that point i was on 17 pills a day for different things, i didn't fancy popping anymore).
Im planning to start again about 30 weeks this time around, because if i get the same problems i had last time i won't be allowed to go much over 37 weeks (i was started at 37 & 1 with alice). I went in and was already 1 cm dilated at that stage. I think its recomended to start about 32 weeks though.

Did any of you try homeopathic remedies whilst in labour, and did they work - I have ordered some rescue remedy which I found quite effective in the past, anything I should try?
Nope, sorry no advise (apart from i LOVED g&a :lol: )

How soon did you have your hospital bag packed? DH keeps telling me it should be done by now, and I keep thinking its all a bit early!!
TBH i never really had my bag fully packed until the day before. I had an emergency bag packed (overnight type bag). I recomend at least having that done. Also, i had a seprate after bag. So i after i had alice everything i would need was in one place.

Im planning to start packing mine in the new year. Or at least have a list for Adam to be able to pack it for me if needs be.

Im going through that stage at the moment where I keep putting everything off, and have so much on my mind I cant focus on what I should be doing.......and hoping Im normal and the nesting instinct might kick in over the next few weeks????

I never nested really. My mum and aunt came around and had a major clear up for me the week before i was due to be started off. Im a fan of the good old list!! i plan to have lots for OH to do before Lewis gets here! :rotfl:
Firstly for those of you who drank Raspberry Leaf tea, when did you start to drink it, and is it best to supplement with the tablets as well? I keep reading different articles on the best time to start taking it.

I didn't drink it but know someone who did and she had it from 37 weeks

Did any of you try homeopathic remedies whilst in labour, and did they work - I have ordered some rescue remedy which I found quite effective in the past, anything I should try?

Not sure about that, didn't use anything

How soon did you have your hospital bag packed? DH keeps telling me it should be done by now, and I keep thinking its all a bit early!!

My bag was packed by 37 weeks

Im going through that stage at the moment where I keep putting everything off, and have so much on my mind I cant focus on what I should be doing.......and hoping Im normal and the nesting instinct might kick in over the next few weeks????

I started to nest at around 30 weeks but the really serious nesting (obsessive cleaning, washing curtains, carpets etc) kicked in around a week before my due date. I cleaned everyday!
Thanks everyone for the replies.

So I guess I can give the tea a try soon then, I have ordered some tablets too....but will start on those a little later!

I have some rescue remedy ready to pack, used to use it when I was horse riding (competing etc), and found it quite good for steadying my nerves.

After seeing the Birthing Unit at my hospital, with the candles, and low lights etc and having had reflexology throughout my pregnancy, which I highly rate, I thought some other homeopathic remedies might be a good idea.....it sounds much more appealing than bright lights, and pethadine!!

Im off shopping soon, and my aim is to find the things currently missing from my hospital bag......which is most things :D

Thanks again... :hug:
I never drank raspberry leaf tea....it's meant to be rank so I just took the tablets after I hit 37 weeks and I only got half way through the tub so I've still got some left for next baby!!

I had rescue remedy in for labour but I forgot about it so never used...never really needed it though

You can pack your bag whenever you want but it might be an idea to start getting things together soon. I was having a home birth but I still packed a bag 'just in case' and I'd got it ready by about 35 weeks. I did keep taking things out all the time though

I didn't try any other help during labour but because it was a home birth I kept the room really quiet so I could focus on what I was doing and I had the lights really dim so it was lovley and peaceful......can't recommend it enough!
Firstly for those of you who drank Raspberry Leaf tea, when did you start to drink it, and is it best to supplement with the tablets as well? I keep reading different articles on the best time to start taking it.

I started drinking a few cups of Raspberry Tea a day at about 35/36 weeks. Health food shop in town was out of stock of tablets so didn't get a chance to try them. I went 10 days overdue and had to be induced but it's supposed to help speed up the second stage of labour. I only had about an hour of pushing which I don't think is bad for first time labour so may have the Raspberry Tea to thank for that :L

Didn't have time for any remedies during labour, didn't even have time to get the tens machine I'd ordered out or to remember that I'd like to try the pool! I did manage a cup of tea and toast with jam, wolfed down between some contractions though which gave me a boost!

I had a few bits in my hospital bag at 37 weeks but only packed it properly the day before I had to go in to be induced at 40+10. Even then I had to get OH to bring other bits in the day after little one arrived! Hard to know what you really need til you're there. Our wee one was too long for the newborn sleepsuits I'd packed - so OH had a late night trip to tesco for some 0-3 month ones!

All the best!
S x
I bought the tablets when I was 35 weeks on the advice from my midwife. Within 10 minutes of taking the first one I was sick badly. I took another one a few hours later and was sick again so I stopped them.

As for the hospital bag, I was 32 weeks as well when I packed mine but found myself repacking the night before I got induced and found I need to get my dad to bring me clothes! I had packed 3 times more than I needed for Aimee and not enough for myself! :doh:

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