A candle for those who lost


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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I just wana say how sorry i am for all of those who have lost over the past 2 weeks, my heart goes out to you all i can imagine what you have been through, i hope you dont mind but i thought i could put a candle in here for all the little ones, if you dont want me to just let me know, anyone else who would like to aswell :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:


Our Angel

I never looked into your eyes,
Nor touched your tiny face
You never got to hear my voice
Nor feel my warm embrace

I'll never hear you gently cry
Nor wipe away your tears
You'll never feel the comfort
As I guide you through the years

I know I'll miss you more each day
But God has plans for you
He gave a gift of Angels wings
You took them, and you flew

And now your place is high above
Your spirit soaring free
And by your side, in heavens light
Remains a piece of me

For even though our destiny
Says we must be apart
I feel your tiny hand
Forever wrapped around my heart
Sammy, your poem sounds like the one my father sent me after we lost our son. I'll share it:

My unborn child

I never got to see your face
Or even give you a name
But in my heart, you hold a special place
And for that, I would never be the same

I’ll never hear you laugh or cry
Or hold you in my arms tenderly
I’ll never know the color of your eyes
But I will still love you endlessly

I never got to hold your hand
I never got to sing you a lullaby
I will never come to understand
Why murderers run free and innocent souls die

I’ll always have my suspicions
Why God took you from me
All these unanswered questions
That would burn inside of me

Forever saddened upon this Earth
Crying for you, my unborn child
Never blessed by your birth.
But I’ll be here, unable to smile

You are my shining light in heaven
For one of God’s angels to love
Until I get my wings to descend
She’ll take care of you, for me, in Heaven above

You’ll be my Guiding Light to Heaven’s Gate
Where I’ll get to see your Angelic Smile
And even if I never got to see your face
I’ll know in an instant that you are my unborn child!

By Marigrace Iodice

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