a boring rant (sorry)

Charlotte & Emily

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2006
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im sorry for posting this but really just needed to write down how i feel

im so down at the moment! i dont know what to do!
everything is just getting me down
its the same as usual
i have no money! emily is growing out of her clothes so fast and cant afford to buy lots more clothes.
im lonely, i hate being alone
i feel so fat and ugly all the time! and no guy will ever look twice at me!
Its so hard being a single mum, i know im not the only single mum here but im finding it so hard. emily is the best thing that has ever happened to me and i lover her so much, but i feel so sorry for her, shes not going to grow up in a happy family
my kidneys are playing up so im in pain alot of the time

im actually crying writing this down, how pathetic is that

i only have one person i can really talk to about how i feel but i dont want to keep bothering her with my problems.

im sorry for ranting, im sure you are all bored of me by now
Hey hunny, i can totally understand a lot of what ur sayin :) try and cheer up hun.

Im going to PM you x
oh baby gurl please dont be sad. youve always sounded like a wonderful mother and im sure that emily feels the same amount of love that she would if she was in a 2 parent family. you may not be able to afford loads of clothes and baby item now but im sure things will get better.
you sound like such a lovely person please dont be hard on yourself.
im not gonna say i know how you feel being a single parent but i hope you feel better soon ( sorry dont really now what to say)
ill give you loads of hugs.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

You will always find a sympathetic ear here.

I have so much admiration for you. To be going it alone and at your age (not meant to be patronising, but teenage mums DO face more challenges I think) makes you so brave. I'm sorry you feel down now but all you experience is making you stronger, Emily's got a Supermum!

You are NOT fat and ugly and you've a lifetime of love and happiness ahead of you. Your health is of concern though. You need to be fit and healthy so get down the docs and get something for your kidneys. You don't need to be in pain.

If you need more clothes, could you check out the charity shops by you? I got some clothes for 25p each the other day :shock: And I'd even try asking on Freecycle, I bet someone would love to help you out.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE say she is in 0-3....

im a serial buyer i cud kit out about 30 babies in 03 :D

and i think my lil trip to preston might be sooner rather than later... ;)
Aww hun are you alirte?

I've only just seen this.
I know how hard it is to be a single mum and how lonely it is... but maybe when you situation is better things wil improve :)

Your a great mum i couldn't go to college look after Emily... which you do.

When me and Keeley come to see you on friday i'l bring some Baby clothes and the Bumbo...
Like i said before Emily doesn't need anythin but your love and she's got that

Hope your alrite hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh hun :hug:

We all find it hard at times, even me and i've got 2 wages coming in. Being a single Mum must be alot harder but like alot of others have said all Emily needs is your love and from what I can see you're showering her in it! Don't be hard on yourself you're doing a great job!

I'd help you out by sending you some clothes but i'm sure Emily wouldn't appreciate it lol

If you ever need a rant or a chat my PM box is open!
I used to feel like that when I was single with Kieran, adn I just felt like life would never get better, no one would ever want me etc. But eventually I found someone who has now become kierans dad and am happily married.

Although it feels like things will never look up, I assure you it will.

We struggle with money and I am married, I don't think it can be linked to single mothers. infact I had more money when I was single, hehe.

Hope you feel better soon babe :hug:
I know how hard it is babe cos I was in your position 14 years ago - but believe me it does get better, you learn to cope because you have to and your love for your little girl will give you the strength you need. I promise you it wont always be like this, and you wont always feel like this - so please when you think about your future, think of it as a happy and settled place - because thats what it will be, even if the road there is bumpy you will get there :hug: :hug:
hi huni i only just saw this but i just wanted to give you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: and im always here if u want to talk. i know what u mean about them growing so fast tho jacks nearly out of his 3-6 and hes barely 3 months :shock:
:hug: You're not pathetic at all hun. No matter what position you're in being a Mum is hard work and very draining and can get very lonely.
I'm married but still feel isolated & lonely alot of the time, try taking some evening Primrose oil capsules, my MIL suggested I take them because I felt down so often & they do seem to help.

Feeling fat & ugly is probably par for the course too, what woman doesn't feel like that at some stage!! but only you can do anything about it. Watch what you eat & try and go for lots of walks etc to get excercise & once you start losing weight it will motivate you to lose more & you will feel better in yourself and if a man doesn't want to get to know you because of the way you look, would you really want to be with him anyway?

Have you had a look on Ebay for clothes? So many people are selling bundles of great clothes. I've bought Jamie some before & its great, saves loads of money as they grow so blinking quickly.

Go and see you doctor about your pain & tell him/her how you feel, they will help. :hug:
ah hun all she needs is your love and that is all that really matters, you know im here for you anytime just like everyone else on here, talk rant away as much as you want we all love you but im here if you need me hun anytime :hug: :hug:
thanks for all your lovely comments ladies
i really dont know what i would do without you
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

i'll look at ebay and charity shops for clothes, we have loads of charity shops here :)

i went to the doctors today and im being sent an appointment for a scan on my kidneys so it should be soon when i know whats going on!

thanks again... everyone is so nice on here, im glad i have you girls to listen to me moan :hug: :hug: :hug:
Charlotte you are only 2 months after giving birth. If you don't feel more cheerful in a week or so you may have post-natal depression which is very common and they can sort out :)

Yay best wishes for getting your kidneys sorted soon :cheer:

So if you still feel down in a week despite that, please don't be afraid to speak to your doc and say you are still feeling miserable.

May that feeling soon lift for you :cheer:
Hope you're feeling a little brighter today. :hug:

Children don't need half as many clothes as we end up buying - and soon she'll start lasting in clothes a bit longer so that'll help.

Do you get out enough - mother and baby clubs etc..I know that was my saviour when Josh was a baby.

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