A bit annoyed


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
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So I phoned the drs 2 days ago to make an appointment, and was told there was no appointment for 2 weeks and they couldnt make any after that either, I said i was pregnant and she was like you will just have to phone back tomorrow, So i did and the same thing happend again :mad:

I am going to try again tomorow and If i dont get an appointment this time i am going to be really annoyed.

I really want to start seeing the midwife and to make sure everything is ok.

The system change the drs had sucks, What happend to the good old walk in apointment early in the morning. I always think what if i was really ill, I would want an apointment when i was ill not two weeks after :wall2:
That must be so frustrating for you. Why don't you go in and try and make an appointment face to face instead of calling them... if they get stroppy say that you have tried to make an appointment twice by phone without success and that you're not leaving until you get an appointment .

It's awful to have to make a song and dance about it but it sounds like it's the only way you're going to get seen.

I'm at the same stage as you and here in NZ, I've had my pregnancy confirmed by Dr., been prescribed folic acid and iodine daily supplements, had by 1st antenatal bloods taken and assesed, and chosen my midwife and booked my first appointment with her - ok, it's in 3 weeks time, but that's fine and normal - not much midwife can see / hear relating to baby before then. But at least I know I'm in the system and that everything up till this point is going ok.

Definitely, definitely, insist on an appointment. Good luck!
hi i think this is normal practice these days im 10 weeks and havent seen my midwife yet, got appointment next week, i saw the dr who did my booking, and he just said midwife will be in touch,

you say you want to see the midwife to make sure everything is ok, have you any reason to think its not? its just that i dont think at 5 weeks she can really tell you much, on the other hand if your bleeding or have a lot of pain you need to insist on seeing one. try not to stress over it and enjoy x
Awww hun that must be really frustrating. And I thought my doctors was bad!
My surgery is a walk in early morning one, but it closes pretty early in the afternoon and it's always busy so you have to get there VERY early.

I rang the doctors the following day after I found out I was pregnant and they gave me the number to the midwife. I rang her and she gave me an appointment for the following week. Not bad I guess!

I hope you have better look next time. Good luck! xxx
Hi suzzi, Yes i have a reason i want to make sure everything is ok. My first pregnancy I was very ill and at 6 weeks i could of lost my baby due to lack of fluid. I was admitted to hospital for nearly a week.
So as you can guess i am just a little bit worried that it could happen again.

I have had constant pain and just put that down to growing should i be worried over that?
Could you maybe skip the doctor and speak straight to the midwife explaining why you need to see her early on? Doctor does nothing anyway and I only had my first midwife app a few days ago, you don't want to wait that long if your in pain and stressed out.

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