I can imagine you are distressed and as this was an unplanned pregnancy, have many issues to address. Please try to not get so worked up as it won't help your state of mind, and if anything it'll cloud your judgement more. So, deep breath and let's see if anything I or others write might be of help
Have you talked to Family Planning? They have people you can talk to who are impartial and able to offer advice, which will maybe help you.
Family Planning page 'Pregnant and don't know what to do? A guide to your options' here They can talk you through all of your options.
I think you need to try to consider all aspects of this pregnancy and what it means to you, and to weigh up what you feel are your options. You have choices you can make, but its always good to be informed as possible.
I cannot say don't have your pregnancy terminated, as at the end of the day, that is your choice and one only you can make. I cannot also say you should keep your baby regardless, as I don't know your personal situation.
I can understand you are feeling confused and are presented with what you see as limited choices, and maybe none of them are appealing right now. That does not mean to say that in a few weeks, once you are over the shock of discovering you are pregnant, you won't feel differently. Please don't do anything hasty, give yourself a bit of time as once done, the consequences will remain, whatever you decide to do.
Would you feel differently if you and your ex were still a couple? Is there a chance you might reconcile? Is he serious on his supporting you? Some things happen in life that are unplanned, if you feel a baby is really not something you are ready or capable of dealing with in your life then you need to discuss with a professional counsellor or some such and see how you feel once you've talked to them. They may help you see some positives in amongst all the negatives you are finding. But either way, they will be supportive of your choice.
I do feel for you, I really do, have a few of these