9 month old sleeping issues!


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2007
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Well... we had been blessed with a perfect little sleeper! Always falling asleep on the last bottle and into bed for 7.30 p.m. sleeping right through.

However, this has come to an abrupt halt! For the past three nights, we have been putting her to bed (still drowsy from bottle) and as soon as she hits the mattress she screams blue murder!! Like, we just can't leave her there for fear that the neighbours will call the social services!!! She is LOUD!

Its turned out that after numerous attempts to put her down, she hasn't been actually falling asleep till like 10.30 p.m. which just takes the mickey a bit! I live for 7.30 when she used to go to sleep, just to get time to myself to do things I need to do!! so its added a little bit of extra stress.

Her top two teeth have recently emerged, but are through and the whites are showing nicely. We've tried her with Calpol one night, then nurofen the next... no help!

Anyone else had this with a baby of this age? is it possible that she will get back to routine?

thank you

Angela xx
Jack went through exactly the same stage at 9 months too. I'm the same, live for 7:30 when he goes down. We just persevered with the bedtime routine. Occasionally I laid with him on my bed to settle him down and once he was asleep moved him to his cot but I didn't keep that up as didn't want him getting used to it. Maybe she is cutting some other teeth under her gums? Like I say I don't know what caused it for Jack but he did settle down after a week or so :hug:
Summer has been doing this for a couple of weeks now and it's driving me nuts!!!!!
She always went to bed at 7pm but not any more! The little madam refuses
to go to bed until about 10pm.
When I try putting her in the cot she screams and screams. :doh:
Snap. She is drowsy, almost asleep after the bottle. Put her in the cot and she forces herself to wake up. Starts shouting out, rolling, playing and if I leave her ...screaming. No idea why. She was a lousy sleeper before that but at least if she was drowsy she would sleep.
hmm sorry to say :hug: , but it makes me feel a bit better to know we aren't alone! :)

Thing is, I can't leave her screaming because it is a blood curdling howl that would most definitely arouse nosey neighbours! But then I don't want to get her up, because then she'll come to expect it!

Its all very frustrating isn't it!

newmum said:
Snap. She is drowsy, almost asleep after the bottle. Put her in the cot and she forces herself to wake up. Starts shouting out, rolling, playing and if I leave her ...screaming. No idea why. She was a lousy sleeper before that but at least if she was drowsy she would sleep.

Absolutely the same here :wall: Newmum-I think our babies have a secret correspondence :rotfl: :wall:
by nine months hannah had been holding the bottle her self (sinse she was between 8-9 months) - could you not lay her in the cot then give her the bottle - so she'd drink it and maybe drift of while doing so?

This works like a dream with hannah even now.

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