9 month growth spurt??


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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Do they go through one at 9 months? Because Sam has been an absolute nightmare the last few days.

He constantly is throwing tantrums and just doesn't seem happy at all (unless he is being held), he isn't ill, i'm not sure whether there is another tooth on its way but his behaviour has been terrible.

He is really hard work at the moment - it is almost like terrible twos but way too early :talkhand:
Please, please, please tell me there isn't one!!!
I'm still recovering from the 4 month one!!!
According the book Wonder Weeks which is all about growth spurts, they have one at around 37 weeks. Becky has been a nightmare for over 6 weeks now but so far it's been a mixture of teething, her not being very well and now as she's getting better I think we're back to teething again. She's also gone from sleeping most of the night in her own room to sleeping with us again but I'm not worried about that until she's 100% well again.

Sam was a fast mover with crawling etc, wasn't he? Becky doesn't crawl but I get the impression a lot of her bad tempers are due to frustration at the moment. She was trying to pull herself up on the couch earlier and couldn't because there was nothing to grip onto so instead she started wailing. Fun!

I have no advice except I feel your pain! :hug:
Yes... but its not so much a spurt but a developmental leap they go through and sleep is time wasted not learning.
I think there must be :?
Calleigh has been attached to me on an evening for long periods and feeding a few times the night so something has gotta be happening.
She has also been a right grumpy miss, throwing strops at not getting her own way. Although i do think some of them are down to frustration as she is not yet mobile but so wants to be.
Squiglet said:
Yes... but its not so much a spurt but a developmental leap they go through and sleep is time wasted not learning.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it all makes sense now!!!!!!!!!!! haha thankyoou!! Over the last 3 weeks ryan has been sitting up playing till 10pm or later everynight, BUT on the plus side he got his first 2 teeth, started putting pressure on his feet which he has NEVER done before, started waving, and has just started moaning everytime you have something to eat because he wants some!!
We are currently going through it :roll:

Lorna, is the Wonder Weeks any good? I want it 8)

ETA... She is so almost crawling that its painful to watch! She kind of does one then belly dives.
laracomps said:
We are currently going through it :roll:

Lorna, is the Wonder Weeks any good? I want it 8)

ETA... She is so almost crawling that its painful to watch! She kind of does one then belly dives.

Yeah, definitely! I would offer to lend you mine but it's sooo handy to have. It's not so much a bible but I can turn to it when I'm going bonkers keeping her amused and at least relate to it a bit unlike so many other books I've read. It's a wee bit patronising in bits (it says about a squillion times "DON'T SHAKE YOUR BABY") but definitely worth a read.

Ohhh I hope she crawls soon. I'm not sure Becky will any more. My uncle was over today and had her on his lap. She grabbed a handful of his hair on either side of his head and used THAT to pull herself up :shock: . It bloody hurts when they pull your hair though :(
daftscotslass said:
laracomps said:
We are currently going through it :roll:

Lorna, is the Wonder Weeks any good? I want it 8)

ETA... She is so almost crawling that its painful to watch! She kind of does one then belly dives.

Yeah, definitely! I would offer to lend you mine but it's sooo handy to have. It's not so much a bible but I can turn to it when I'm going bonkers keeping her amused and at least relate to it a bit unlike so many other books I've read. It's a wee bit patronising in bits (it says about a squillion times "DON'T SHAKE YOUR BABY") but definitely worth a read.

Ohhh I hope she crawls soon. I'm not sure Becky will any more. My uncle was over today and had her on his lap. She grabbed a handful of his hair on either side of his head and used THAT to pull herself up :shock: . It bloody hurts when they pull your hair though :(

Woo thanks. Just ordered it off of Amazon :D Can you believe the version that is out of print is going for £70 on the amazon market place?! :shock:
laracomps said:
Woo thanks. Just ordered it off of Amazon :D Can you believe the version that is out of print is going for £70 on the amazon market place?! :shock:

OMG :shock:

SIL lent us the original dutch version but it was frying my brain trying to read it in dutch. There's a great wee table in the first chapter that shows you week by week which is the fussiest right up until just over a year. Apparently at 39 weeks the sun should shine again - we'll see :lol:
:pray: I can't wait for week 39!!

He has been a nightmare again today, he just never seems happy. (That is unless In the Night Garden is on :lol:, or he is eating off our plates)

He is no longer happy crawling, he wants to be on his feet all day causing mayhem.

On the plus side he clearly said ''Hiya'' today to his Igglepiggle toy :D

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