8month old feeding routine


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2009
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Can u please just tell me whats yours ?

Mine is
7am 4oz max baby milk 1 slice of toast
10am porriage
1pm lunch feeds herself ..scrambled egg , sandwich or silmar followed by yoghurt i feed her
2:30 4oz babymilk and biccy or fruit
5pm tea whatever we have plus a pudding jar 7m as she feeds herself i dont think whatever we have is enough
7pm 5oz milk then bed
7am - 8 oz of milk, some of which is mixed in with readybreak + fruity porridge.
11am - 3-4 oz milk + biccy, and/or couple of ricecakes
12.30pm - bowl of food such as, sweet pot+carrots+broccoli+chicken+gravy
and half slice of toast with cheesespread and a yoghurt mixed with fruit
2.30pm - 4-6oz milk maybe another snack
5.00pm - another bowl of food such as spaghetti+broccoli+sauce or potato with veg etc and apple with some fruity porridge oats
6.30pm 5oz milk then bed

I make sure he has potato or pasta at every lunch/dinner plus meat at one of them, plus one or two veg with a fruit or two thrown in.

I find it such hard work though as he refuses to eat jar food which would be useful for those times you are in a rush!! He loves a bit of cheese mixed in his food aswell and I find the heinz sauces great to give a bit of flavour to some things.

You woudl not believe that he actually weighs less than 18lb still which is in the bottom 25% i think for his age, but he is on the go constantly!! So i think he must need it! he's been crawling about for the past month.

They are all soo different, i think you know what is right for you little one better than what anyone else can tell you.

Lily is 17lb and hardly drinks milk she takes 4oz max but is offered 6oz she is often sick on her milk too x
7am - 8oz milk
10am- 4oz milk and something like fruit or crumpets (jar of fruit when at minders)
12pm - snack like a rusk or biscote
2pm - 4 oz bottle and something like eggy bread or tuna sandwich etc (jar of dinner if at minders)
4pm - snack of fruit or steamed veg
6pm - 8 oz bottle

He weighs 19lb 4oz and doesn't even eat most of what i give him, i'm supprised he's not starving!! xx
Thanks i guess they take what they need ..just worry when hv says she must have more milk ..not like i cant force it down her is it x
Bless you! I know, my little one stopped putting on weight as would hardly drink his milk, he has got better since he started on solids at 17 weeks but even so he is still funny about it - instead I put lots of his made up milk in with potato and food and the 8 oz of milk he gets at breakfast is mostly mixed into his porridge! Sneaky!

I also give him drinks of water throughout the day as i constantly worry he might be dehydrated!

My health visitors were the opposite, I constantly worried and all i got was 'some babies jsut dont get on with milk' and 'he'll take what he needs' and' you dont want a fat baby, there are too many obese children nowadays!' but you jsut think there MUST be an explanation.

I reckon with my little one he gets wind sooo bad that he associates this with the bottle so refuses his milk. Maybe a touch of reflex too. Sounds like could be the same with your baby girl. Big hugs to you both! xxx
Oh wow your babies eat so much. My boy is 8.5 months and hardly eats anything. He drinks milk in the morning and eats some fruit, he eats about 2 bites of bread during lunch and he doens't like anything else, sometimes some veg in the afternoon but the still drinks 5 bottles and also one during the night, he is interested in food but he always chokes on it and it just not really ready to eat a lot (even though I try to give him many things). He also cannot eat on his own he just smears the stuff over the table or throws it on the floor. Also he cannot hold his bottle himself (yet).
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my little dude is nearly 11 months now and he has only just started holding his own cup/bottle so i wouldn't worry about that one Helenj. He's been capable for ages, just refused to do it lol xx

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