8 weeks pregnant


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2011
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hi girls. i found out 3 weeks ago that i was pregnant, had a scan done recently as i was getting bad pains but everything is fine and well.

this pregnancy was unplanned but i will still love this baby all the same as if it were planned. i wasn't in a relationship with the guy, we were just with each other on and off. he is being no support at all, hasn't told his parents or anything. i met up with him 2 days after i found out and since then it's just been contact through text which normally results in him ignoring me. it's really annoying me how selfish and immature he's being, at the end of the day i'm carrying his baby and he just doesn't seem to understand this. i'm not asking him to get down on one knee and propose to me, or even to be in a relationship. all i want is for him to be there for me, to ask how i'm feeling from time to time but he does none of this. he has been with a girl from the start of august and i seen them coming out of a nightclub on saturday night which hurt me so much, just that he's getting on with his life all fine and well and i'm the one that has to put up with the sickness, tiredness, emotions up and down all the time amongst everything else.

my parents know about this, my mum is very supportive and my dad hasn't really spoke to me about it. my mum said i shouldn't text him, to just let him text me when or if he wants but it's easier said than done. i'm 20 by the way and live at home with my parents.

p.s, on the scan i had done on wednesday just past it says 6w4days?? on it. although i know the night of which i got pregnant because it was the only time that i've had sex. which was 17th july which would mean i'm roughly 8weeks? why does the scan say different to what i know myself? :/

girls any help or advice would be appreciated. thanks so much :) xx
Hi firstly congrats on being in tri 1 with us. I had the same experience with my first child. My and his dad had the same a very on/off relationship. He wanted nothing to do with me or Dylan and when Dylan was born on the sat he first visited on the tues cos his mum made him! he has never paid towards him or brought him a present. Now Dylan is 13 he knows what a struggle it was bringing him up and wouldn't want anything to do with his dad anyway. My new partner is like a father to Dylan and we are all very happy. It is a struggle and my parents where very funny with me at first too but that changed very quickly when it sinks in. I was also 20 when I fell pregnant with Dylan.

Secondly sometimes when you have the scan the baby looks smaller or the lining isn't as thick but when you go for the 12 week scan you often get changed again. I thought I was 7 weeks when I went for an early scan but I was told I was 6 weeks but I am sure I am a week ahead. xxx
thanks for the reply and congrats to you too! :) i know i could do it on my own because i've all the support from my family and friends but i just wish he would be there, no one particularly wants their baby growing up without a dad. but as i said it's just playing a waiting game to see what way it all fairs out.

yeah i had my gp appointment on friday so i should get a letter soon with the date for my 12week scan, cant wait :D xxx
Heya hunny, im 22 and on my third, im with my husband. Just wanted to say congratulations on your pregnancy, its nice that you have your parents support. i agree with leannesxb they might change your due date at your 12 week scan and thats the one they will stick with on your notes.
Men are funny strange creatures ive had enough dealings with mine over 6 years. Make sure you look after yourself x x
i cant wait to get my 12wk scan to see the little gem :)

i know men really are the most confusing breeds EVER!! the first week i found out and with the way he was getting on all i did was cry but i'm so much more happier now just wishing time could go quicker :D xxx

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