8 week check


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2007
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a friend of mine asked me the other day how chloe got on at her 8 week check!!

i was like... ??????????????

Is she supposed to have one and am i suppose to book it or should i get something through from the docs??? does anyone know??

ive not been told anything about this by health visitor or anyone.... :think:
that could be you vaccination appointment, at our srgery they send you an appoinment in the mail cos athe GP does it not HV.

My HV booked our appointment for us, but every surgery is different. Best call your Surgery or HV.
They give the injections, and just check reflexes and hips etc.
i was told in hosp before they let me go home to book myself a checkup when baby is 6 weeks and then book him in for a check at 8 weeks. good job my dh took these in as i was so knackered and out of it after labour that i don't remember this at all!!
my hv did remind me this week about it.
think ill ring docs tomorrow just to check what to do.

she had her vaccinations last monday but they didnt do any checks on her, just the jabs!

i had my 6 week check at my doctors and he never mentioned anything then about booking her in for her checks!

Hmmmm??? :think:
My older 2 daughters had 6 week checks and my youngest had an 8 week check. Thery were exactly the same, just different doctors surgeries so diff time scales I guess.

So long as she's had a post natal check (in red book it's under 6-8 weeks check) and her vaccinations are up to date then that's what your friend was talking about I guess. If in doubt, look in the red book to see what checks you've got coming up.
Had to book it myself...
When I had my 6 week check at the GP surgery I asked if I needed to book an appointment for Louis's 8 week check and they said they were not in charge of babies' health checks, that I had to call the local baby clinic. I don't even have the number of the HV who visited once in May so couldn't ask her (and wouldn't anyways). I called the baby clinic and a very nice lady told me that they were only taking measurements for the 8 week check (weight, height, head circumference), that all the other things had to be done at the GP surgery :wall: She offered to call them to remind them that it was their role to do it :doh:
Same for the injections: the surgery just sent me a reminder last week through the post to tell me to make an appointment for Louis's second set of immunizations (which he had when he was 12 weeks!!! he had time to get the 3rd set since then!!!)... :twisted: or :rotfl: ???

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