8 days with no poo


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2008
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my lo is 13 weeks old and we were giving him 1 bottle at night and bf the rest of the time however he stopped pooing. for the past 2 nights i have dropped the botle and am just bf him. He has been for a poo 3 times since 12 september which works out every eigth day. Health visitor said it is normal and even the doctor said it is okay. After about 4 days of not going he gets really wingy and farts a lot i am sure it is cos he needs to go. Any advice please? Anyone else had this problem?
My auntie used to have the same problem. I got told you either have a pooey baby or you don't. I have the pooey one. When she was tiny i got through a pack of nappies every other day. Then she stopped. They weren't worried though. They said she can go 7-8 days without going no problem.
I wouldn't worry too much, ryan was the same, altho he didnt go as long as 8 days he goes about every 2-4 days now but when he was younger it was around every 4 days x :hug:
If you are BFing, drink pear juice or eat pears.......ask Geordie&Bairn what the result is!
In the farty windy moments try him with sips of cooled water from a bottle. I'd suggest very weak diluted juices like apricot/prune also, but it depends if you're happy giving him juice that young. Does the job tho so I've heard..! You can get little baby sized ones in boots. x
A friend's little boy has this problem and she finds that giving a bottle of formula actually helps her LO to go if he's not pood for days. She also uses very dilute fresh orange tho help shift things. Personally I would try massage as my first port of call- a tummy massage at every nappy change for about 5 mins (your HV should be able to advise you about this). Once I was sure that hadn't worked (say after 24-48 hours) then I would start trying other remedies.
LaineyG said:
If you are BFing, drink pear juice or eat pears.......ask Geordie&Bairn what the result is!

the result was a almighty HUGE POO its worked like a charm :lol: :lol:

Collier's breat fed he went over 2 weeks with out having one he wasnt bothered but of course i was worried
so Lainey mentioned Pears i ate a whole tin of them it passed to my milk an dCollier pooed for England
:lol: give it ago
millie never went that long, but if she was ever a bit constipated i would give her some cooled, boiled water. or u could ask yr doc to get something on scrip?

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