7 Week Scan Photos


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2006
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Hi Everyone

Just thought I'd post my scan pictures from my 7 week scan.

I wanted your opinion. Do you think the baby looks quiet developed for being only 7 weeks? I think I may be further on as when I compare the pictures to other scan photos at that stage they don't look the same.

Also the second picture shows the yolk. The consultant thought at first that this may be another baby (twins) but then said it was the yolk. Has anyone seen this in their scan photo?

Picture 1 (baby is face down head to the left)

http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/ ... yScan1.jpg

Picture 2 (same positions but with yolk seen on the left above the head)

http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q24/ ... yscan2.jpg

Thanks girls x
Hiya, I cant really make the photos out but its probably just my eyes! Glad everythings ok though and if you are further on that can only be a good thing right? :)
i can just make them out congratulations on your pregnancy hun xxxxxxxxxxx

How nice, i cant make them out but i had troubles with my 15 weeks ones lol so its prob just me.

They look quite different to my 7 week scan but i suppose there could be loads of reasons why?

Position of baby in uterus, amount of water drunk beforehand etc!!

If your dates were different and you were further on shouldn't they have told you?

They measured my baby and it was the length of 7 weeks so put on my forms 7 weeks.

they should have measured the baby and calculated from that how far gone you are, their estimates are pretty acurate so I would say if you have been told 7 weeks then thats what you are. TBH i had my scan at 7w6d and it didnt look too different, could see the yolk etc. as laura said there could be loadsa reasons that it looks different.... :think: :hug:
Aww cute piccies hun, i cant really tell the difference either hun, my scans look the same, i didnt get a pic for my 6-7w one so i cant compare for u sorry xxx
Thanks everyone!

He did measure the baby and said I should be betwen 7-8 weeks. It's probably just wishful thinking on my part as I can't wait to be past the 12 week mark so I can relax a bit.

I keep worrying that something might go wrong. I'm still doing pregnancy test even after the scan to check that it is still there!! I am also sure I can see a face in the scan photo!!..and it looks like a boy!! lol..maybe I am going mad! :)

I just can't believe that I am pregnant. I assumed I would have trouble conceiving because I have PCOS but I was only off the pill for 3 weeks when I fell pregnant.

Anyway thanks for your replies. I will get a more accurate due date at my 12 week scan. I'll post to let you all know how it goes x
think we all feel like that hun, the 3 month period is so hard and worrying :hug: i had my dating scan and they were able to tell exactly how far gone i was and my EDD, was he not able to do this for you? they put me back a week and i was getting my hopes up that id be put forward :roll: x
He said that my 12 week scan would give me a more accurate due date. I can't wait but have just found out that my GP hasn't even referred me yet to hospital!! The silly receptionist didnt pass on my message regarding where I wanted to deliver!! I told them 3 weeks ago!!! Oh well.. the longer I wait the more I will see. Hopefully they'll write to me soon with a date.
:cheer: :cheer: :clap: :clap: :dance: :dance: I know they are not the clearest scan pictures, but i do agree with the other ladies, looks around 7-8 weeks to me, If there was twins in there you would have 2 heart beats showing, and protien in urine so i don't think two? :? :? guess we will have to wait for the next scan to know your dates and how many for sure....congratulations on a very sucessful scan doll :cheer: :hug: Lv Yvonne xx

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