

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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what is going on!!!!! :( had my show yesterday morning, pains all day, back ache etc etc, went to bed at 10:30, had 2 paracetamol and WTF it's all stopped again :evil: :( :( It was soooo uncomfortable yesterday!!!!

Even more strangely I slept 6 hours straight, got up went for a pee and went straight back to sleep till 7:30 :think: :think: I haven't had such a good sleep in months!

Rant over! feel like I could cry this morning.
:hug: I know how you feel. I went 10 days over with Isaac and I had lots of pains and false alarms but when it eventually started and I went to the hospital I was only 1cm dilated but my cervix was fully efaced so I had been in slow early labour and all the pains stopping and starting had been doing something!!!!

I hope you're not waiting much longer :hug:
Im the same

I went to bed with pains coming every 5 mins, only coz im shit scared of going to hospital lol but now theres nothing
I naively thought that being this is number 3 it would be all quick and I'd know exactly when I was in labour!! :roll: :lol:

hope it happens for you soon Paiges_mummy :hug:
When my labour started I was having random contractions and I had my show. I rang the hospital and the midwife told me to have a warm bath and it will make the contractions regular, she said do that then phone back in an hour. When I called back the bath had worked and she said just come up when you feel you would like some pain relief! Yeah....I went straight up there!!!! :wink:

So my advice would be take a pad and pen and a watch with you and go and have a nice warm bath and time your contractions. Mine were 10 mintutes apart then went to 3-4 minutes apart.

lou said:
When my labour started I was having random contractions and I had my show. I rang the hospital and the midwife told me to have a warm bath and it will make the contractions regular, she said do that then phone back in an hour. When I called back the bath had worked and she said just come up when you feel you would like some pain relief! Yeah....I went straight up there!!!! :wink:

So my advice would be take a pad and pen and a watch with you and go and have a nice warm bath and time your contractions. Mine were 10 mintutes apart then went to 3-4 minutes apart.


thanks! :hug: will try.... :pray:
Maybe today will be your day! (Both of you!!) :hug: :hug:
i know exactly how you feel, i've just put a post in of my own thats more or less the same as this one.

Lets hope things kick off soon for all of us, the only good thing to remember is that what we are experiencing IS doing smething, we just can't see it yet.


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