6 week check/internal examination


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2007
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Hello girls,

When I went for my six week check a couple of weeks ago I went to see a male doctor because I wasn't expecting to have an internal examination (I didn't have one with my 4 year old). Anyway, he gave me an internal, I wasn't even asked if I wanted one or given the chance to say no or offered to have a nurse/female present, he just instructed me to undress and lay on the bed. Just wondering if this is normal as its left me a little shell shocked. How many of you had to have internal exams?

I didn't have an internal check but then I didn't have any stitches that might have needed checked.
OOOPS... :oops: :oops: sorry i made a post but i deleted it as i had the wrong end of the stick!
i read it wrong!! i think its normal to have an internal at this check to make sure everything is healed up
and stitches are dissolved if you had any!
I didn't have one but i know lots that have had :)
No, i just was asked a few questions, and i had my blood pressure checked as i was having a lot of headaches at the time. As i am breastfeeding she asked if i wanted her to check my boobs, but i was happy so declined.
I never had any tears, grazes or stitches, so dunno if that would make a difference.
I'd have been so uncomfortable with that!
I didnt have an internal, was told they usually dont do them unless you were concerned with stitching or anything else.
i was checked but purely becuase i still had the bulging senstation down there , spec if i went to the loo :oops:
I was checked but i had quite a few stitches and was worried i hadn't healed properly. I requested it though and the nurse was in the room :hug:
charlie84 said:
I didnt have an internal, was told they usually dont do them unless you were concerned with stitching or anything else.

Same. My stitches were fine when I was discharged from the midwife and GP said if that was fine and I was OK with it then that was good enough for her. She also said she wouldn't bother with a smear either as they can often come back unclear so soon after birth and to leave it till 12 weeks plus.

Personally I would have questioned it and think it's uncalled for you weren't at least asked.
Sorry to hear about this. As I understand it they don't do internals unless there is a problem or stitching etc has taken place. I had 20 plus stitches and never had an internal at my 6 week check. He never even asked. I'd have told him no had he wanted to anyways. I had a full internal and smear a week before by a female GP as it was for another reason.

You can always say no, always ask to have a nurse present and always request a female doctor to examine you. You don't have to comply, even if you feel you should or are doubtful. You are the patient and you always have a choice and are able to refuse also.
Thanks for your replies. I didn't think it was normal and I hadn't even mentioned stitches or any problems I was having 'down there' but I just went along with it even though I didn't feel comfortable because I thought it was normal practice in the UK (I had my son in Germany but had my 6 week check under a UK doctor and they didn't do one then.) I have written a letter of complaint to the practice because this doctor also asked me to remove my bra so he could check my heart (I had an irregular heartbeat during pregnancy and was told to get it checked at my 6 week check because this can sometimes just be a pregnancy thing). Well, I felt very uncomfortable at that point and needless to say I refused to remove my bra. I couldn't wait to get out of there frankly and was quite shaken by the time I got home. The matter is being looked into by the practice and I've been invited to go back and discuss this Doctor's response to my letter with the practice manager on Friday.
Since when do you need to remove your bra for a check on the heart rate! That's just too weird! I'd have refused too.
They didn't check me at all at the 6 week check, not for either child. They checked the babies, but not me.
Blimey :shock: I'm sorry this happened to you :hug:

FWIW I've had an irregular heart beat for years and palpitations. Also during pregnancy. Not once has my Doc ever asked me to take my top off to listen to heartbeat. Just to lift it up is enough if its looser fitting.

Good on you for complaining to the practice manager. Hopefully it will see something done.
I am glad you have put in a letter of complaint. I cant believe he asked you to remove your bra. I had my heart checked at the hospital and i didnt have to remove my bra or top for that matter.

I do hope something is done about this, do let us know how you get on :hug: :hug:
I have never been asked to remove my bra for a heart check, neither in the US nor in the UK. I also have an irregular heartbeat. I think you did the right thing by making a complaint!
Poor you, it sounds like you've had a really horrible experience. You've done the right thing in complaining to the practise. If your not happy with the practises responce to your complaint, I would recommend taking it higher to the PCT (Primary Care Trust)

:hug: :hug:
This is my first pregnancy, Im nearly 19 weeks and had 4 or 5 internals not sure which. I think everywheres different. You always get the right to have a female member of staff or nurse with you though. Dont be afraid to say stop untl someone else is present.

(sorry if this posts twice my laptops having issues)
It's amazing how much it varies. In most places during pregnancy they'll avoid examinations to prevent infection. My first internal was at 39+3 to see if my waters had gone which they had!

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