6 months old - food


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2006
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Is it wrong that Alex has only so far had very tiny tastes of food? He's still exclusively breastfed, and now and then I'll give him a couple of spoons of food but he doesn't have some every day. Every couple of days maybe - and not very much.

He just doesn't seem all that bothered. A few licks and he's done really.

It seems that most of you have your babies eating earlier than this, or at least more than this, but Alex just doesn't seem all that bothered. He grabs at my dinner plate often, but when I try and give some food to him, it doesn't take him long before he seems like he's had enough.

Should that bother me?

Lydia was eating more than this at the same age. She was on 1 proper meal a day at least. But she was formula fed from three months, whereas Alex is on breastmilk. He eats a lot of that, and he seems fine with it, but shouldn't he be wanting to eat more food by now?
A week ago I was saying the same thing Xena and Ive just had to persist all week with her eating and a week on shes better.

Ive now got her eating one meal a day with pudding. a small amount of breakfast in the morning, then a bottle of milk and a bottle of milk in the evening.

A week ago she was spitting everything out, ive just found she has certain tastes and needs lots of encouragement.

Youl get him sorted soon hun, your a good mum and know whats right for him.
I personaly wouldn't stress too much. Have you thought about baby led weaning, just letting him hold and explore chunks of food. At this age his main nutrient source should be milk still so the food is just there to help him get usedto it. I gave Seren chunks of banaa,pear and avocado,most of which endedon the floor but she would eat a little bit. Nothing wrong with her chewing now.
Don't worry,Willow is the same-I occasionally give her chunks or slices of things,but all she does is squish them,so she's clearly not ready for solids yet.I'm not stressing,she's getting all she needs from milk still,and when she wants something else,she'll let me know :wink:
thanks ladies you've all been really reassuring :)
the hvs recommend from 6 months onwards you start and them having a good range of foods and 3 seperate meals a day by the gae of one so you have plenty of time hun, just take it at your LO's pace, he will let you know when he is ready.


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