6 months now - formula question

Valley Girl

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2007
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Hi everyone. I just wondered what you all think of this.. I'm not sure.

Toby is having regular meals now, three a day, plenty of veg, lumpy food etc, cheese and fromage frais. The thing is he doesn't drnk as much milk as before obviously, and is getting a lot of nutrients and calories from his food.

I have always bought the cow and gate formula but it is SO expensive and we are on a really tight budget. I noticed in Boots that Farleys milk is much cheaper, and although I wanted Toby to have the best milk I could get for him, now that he is eating so well I don't think he needs to necessarily have the most expensive formula.

Does it make sense to switch to the cheaper stuff and ot feel guilty about it, because I am sure that he is getting everything he needs now, from foods and milk together.

What do you think?
I think that as long as you are still giving formula milk, then it shouldn't matter which brand you go for. It's the iron and calcium which are the most important nutrients to be derived from the formula milk, and I presume all brands should contain adequate amounts for healthy growth.
all the formulars are pretty much made the same.. we use farley.. and i think its great..
we use hipp and thats same price and well u can tell by leland weight gain even with reflux his doing fab ! ( 19 weeks and 16lb ! )

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