6 hours!


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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After a bad day yesterday with Mia who seemed to just want to feed constantly, she went and did 6 hours between feeds last night....I'm so proud :) how long do your LOs go at night between feeds? Coz I was a little worried about her going that long, even tho I enjoyed the sleep.

Also I have ankles again. Woo hoo! Didn't realise how much swelling I'd had till now..

Pointless thread but just had to share..
Freya went 5hrs last night which.was.great. when she was tiny tho Mw did say not to let her.go longer than 4/5hrs without a feed.as.it.can confuse your milk supply and also they're a bit too little to go that long. But if.shes.gaining weight and feeding well the rest of the time then that's awesome. Bet you're feeling more human with that amount of sleep! Xx
Vanessa usually goes 5h just after she goes down to sleep (so 9-2am), then 3h, then 2h, then 1h and then she wakes up for the day. Weird but true!
I'm quite jealous! Kynon is 16 weeks tomorrow and very rarely goes longer than 4 hours between feeds at night!
Stanley goes from 8-9 until 5-6am!! Has done for about 2 weeks now...

When he was 2 weeks old he'd sometimes go 6 hrs but they told me off as they said to not let him go more than 4/5 hrs...but then after another couple of weeks of him having good gains they said it was ok x
I'm glad to get 3 hours at night but have had 4 hours once or twice. usually every 2.5 hours he will wake up for a feed, but the hv said he could just be waking and need to feed to settle so i'm trying to not feed him every time now.
Had the HV here today and told her about the eat she slept...she weighed her and she's up to 7lb 14oz so she said let her sleep away, so ling as they are not loising weight its not a problem :yay:
aww no fair :( we only manage about 2/3 between feeds, think shes having a growth spurt tho as shes put on 12 1/2 oz in the last week! little porker! lol
I'm very jealous! After such a good week Tyler has had me up since 3.30 feeding!!


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