6.5 months old, food and milk


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2011
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Jax has been on 'solids' - home made purees plus finger foods - for about 4-6 weeks now. For the first few weeks, he was still having at least as much milk, if not more, than before - 6/7oz at 8.30am, 12pm, 3pm and 6pm plus 1 or 2 feeds during the night. Most of the time, he was draining them all. For about 10 days/2 weeks now, he is really off his milk. He is often totally refusing either his lunch time and/or his 3pm bottle and often only drinking 1 or 2oz of his 8.30am bottle and about half of his bedtime bottle. He has half a weetabix or similar for breakfast with milk at 7.30am, lunch at 11.30am ish and dinner at 4.30/5pm ish. He only ever has a 'main course' of about 3 ice cubes worth and no pudding (he doesn't like very sweet stuff).

Should I now be cutting out some of his milk? I didn't want to as I know milk should still be his main food up until a year.

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I never gave Jack milk with his food when weaning him. I used to to breakfast then a morning bottle, then lunch then afternoon bottle then dinner then bed time bottle plus a night feed. Jack has never ever been a big milk drinker though. Even now the most he ever drinks in one go is 5oz if we're lucky.

Maybe Jax isn't hungry enough after his food for his milk? Maybe trying alternating milk & food like I did? We waited at least 2 hours invetween food and milk. Now at almost 11 months he has breakfast at 7am, a snack & 10am, 5oz milk at 11am, lunch & pud at 1pm, a snack at 4pm, dinner & pud at 6pm, bedtime milk at 8pm and he sleeps right through so no night feed. He also has a very fast metabolism and gets hungry quickly, especially now he's on the moves! He's only put on 5oz in the last 4 months! x
Kynon is still breast fed so not got a clue how much he has but he still feeds around the same times. I always make sure he has milk before food as there's more nutrients in his milk plus we're BLW so a bit different. My friends baby is the same so she gives her runny baby rice with lots of milk in to get more milk into her. Maybe they do drop the amount of milk they have at this age.
We're doing the same with Grace and sI go with what she wants, she's on 3 meals a day and still has a bottle every 3 hours she either has the full 8oz or has 4-5oz depending on how she feels. I bottle feed on demand and have set meal times
Thanks everyone.x

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