6+3 scan (twins)


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
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I had a scan last week which showed a the sac, yoke and pole but no heartbeat. I had a tiny bit of bleeding yesterday so EPU wanted to see me today for another scan. Strong heartbeat thank God. They also can see another sac, yoke and pole but no heartbeat as its a bit smaller. I am going back next Thursday for another scan to see of baby 2 has a heartbeat.

I am in absolute shock but over the moon and I am praying that its good news next week. Has this ever happened to anyone and its been a positive outcome for the second twin?
Sorry photo isn't great, camera on my phone is useless


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Just wanted say congratulations. Hope ur next scam goes well x
Congratulations, hope your next scan goes ok xx
Congratulations! Hope all goes well next week. There's a few of us having twins - I started a thread over in the pregnancy chat section.
congrats !!
did u have any symptoms at all or was it a total
surprise ?
congrats !!
did u have any symptoms at all or was it a total
surprise ?

I found out I was pregnant before my period was even due, I've no real pregnancy symptoms yet only I'm so tired and extremely bloated more than just the flab I normally have. I look 6 months pregnant.

Finding out it had went from one miracle baby to two was a big shock. I'm glad I was lying down at the time lol I just really hope there is a heartbeat at my next scan x
Vic it's very scary isn't it? We had an inkling it might be twins because of the medication but I don't think we actually expected it would be!! We've known for 2 weeks now and still can't quite believe it! We've got our 12 week scan next Wednesday so quite anxious about that - we've got two to worry about and I was bad enough when I thought it was just 1!

Like you I got my bfp before my period was due (think I was 3+3) but I've still not had any real symptoms. From about 6 weeks I had constant nausea but this seems to be easing off a bit now. I don't think you have more symptoms with twins - I feel sorry for the people expecting just one who can't leave the toilet for being sick. I've been quite lucky, just hope the rest of my pregnancy is the same.

Fingers crossed for you for your scan!!
congrats !!
did u have any symptoms at all or was it a total
surprise ?

I found out I was pregnant before my period was even due, I've no real pregnancy symptoms yet only I'm so tired and extremely bloated more than just the flab I normally have. I look 6 months pregnant.

Finding out it had went from one miracle baby to two was a big shock. I'm glad I was lying down at the time lol I just really hope there is a heartbeat at my next scan x

wish u all the best xxx

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