5 weeks and full of cold and coughing!

Kelly G

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2005
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Olivia is full of cold a has her cough! Her poor little eyes are red and sticky and she's snorting like a pig because she cant breath through her nose properly!

I know a doctor wont give her anything but can anyone recommend anything that can help her breath more easily?

Oh and i feel really bad beacuse there is nothing we can do to help her! I keep thinking its my fault manybe i haven't kept her wrapped up enough!

I would be grateful with any andvice that anyone has!


Horrible colds!!!! Thomas had one from the age of 2 weeks old ( was born in december) and it lasted until end of july. Your baby is too young to have any medication but what you could try if you have not tried it yet is to have your baby with you when you have a shower, the mist will help the snort to come out more easily. there are pumps to take the snort out, never worked with me, must have been stupid :wink: Nobody will give you anything because of the young age of your baby. i had to wait until he was 3 months old to put some vapour rub on thomas' chest, which was the best thing for him to help him breathe. Otherwise, there are massages you can do to help them breathe, it might be worth asking your H/V. I got mine from a baby group, do not know if it really works but for the constipation one it helped thomas.
Tnx for the quick reply!

Is karvol any good, or is she too young for that? My sister used to use a thing called snuggle babe it was like vic but not as strong, my nephew is 10 now so not sure you can still get it, does anyoe know?
I'm afraid Karvol is from 3 months. Alex had a cold at 5 weeks he caught from swimming and the water temperature was too cold.

I used to take him for a shower and the steam helped. I used a humidifier when he was inn his cot at night with some eucalyptus inn there. Dont know if you know anyone with one but my mum has a shower with a steam function so i would sit inn there with him and that helped a dream, found out cause one day he couldnt eat because his breathinng was so bad and we were desperate to help him. Couldnt stay in too long though incase it got too hot!

Hopefully it clears up soon!

V x
Harley had a real bad cough at 4weeks i took him the docs they said its best to not give any thing but still said i could have some thing if i really wanted some thing. i said no il hold out, but next morning he had a viral rash caused by the cough he was put on anti biotix and it cleared up in a week.

try some snuffle babe rub on her chest help clear her nose, its from 6weeks im sure
i used to sit in a steamed up bathroom if mine had a stuffy nose. it clears the nose and chest.
i was just about to post the same thing! saved me a job :lol:

beths got a cold and cough and point blank refuses to take any medicine (have tried everything) beth then gave it to me (didnt feel too bad up til this afternoon and now i feel like death warmed up) and now this afternoon rubie has started too! coughing and sneezing is really bunged up, shes bringing her milk back up - and i feel awful coz theres nothing i can do :(
bubble_dreamer said:
i was just about to post the same thing! saved me a job :lol:

beths got a cold and cough and point blank refuses to take any medicine (have tried everything) beth then gave it to me (didnt feel too bad up til this afternoon and now i feel like death warmed up) and now this afternoon rubie has started too! coughing and sneezing is really bunged up, shes bringing her milk back up - and i feel awful coz theres nothing i can do :(

i no it sounds bad but i pin Dior down kris holds her arms and hold her face when she opens her mouth i skirt the medicine in with the seringe, sounds cruel but its for the best. poor girl screams though.. but she thanks me in the long run..

do u use a squirty thing?
have tried the squirty thing and a spoon doing it like that but she spits it back out over us :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: tried putting it in her food and juice without her noticing but i swear she can taste it coz she then refuses to eat it :roll:
olivia has been bringin her milk up too, i noticed today it was a bit green , it had a bit of snot in it!

Tnx for all your reply's

I hope he feels better soon its no good when yoru kids are sick expecually at that young age.
Futuremum i tried using those sqeezy things as well they are crap if you ask me maybe its the way were doing it?

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