5 month old girl waking constantly through the night


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2013
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Has anyone had a baby that wakes constantly throughout the night? My little girl is 5 months old and we co sleep because she wakes up in her cot an hour after putting her down and won't settle, she also wakes every 2 hours when next to me because I think she wants feeding, she is breastfed. She has suffered with silent reflux since being 3 weeks old. Can't get to see a paediatrician until October! We were meant to see one in August but no appts!! She also suffers with congestion which we suspect causes mucus at the back of her throat and possibly a sore throats as when she cries after sleeping she sounds horse and it upsets her even more to cry. I don't sleep her in her back because she has had chocking episodes. She also sleeps on my pillow so she is propped up to help her congestion. We think it's all due to CMPA so I am dairy free but still having soya. She is on ranitidine too but not sure it makes much difference!

Trying to work out if some babies are just like this or if it's her issues that are causing her to constantly wake, sometimes I can get her to nap in her cot but other days she will only sleep on me!! I always try her cot first, she sleeps well in the car and pram.


Lou x
She sounds like my daughter was we used to be up all night and I admit sometimes she slept for an hour in her car seat out of desperation. It did get better when I started weaning but she still struggled with lying flat I also introduced a dummy at 5/6 months and that helped some. I would contact your hv and ask for some advice especially as you have to wait so long for your paediatric appointment xxx
Sorry Lou, I have only got a few minutes but I think I've read somewhere that the proteins in soya are similar to milk proteins so often babies that are cmpa can't tolerate soya either? Sorry if I'm wrong on that but if that's not the case and you've eliminated what you believe is the cause then I'd expect the symptoms to have eased by now.

I use Co-Lactase drops for my lo and they make a huge difference to him, he had been prescribed infant gaviscon and was having a lot of feeding issues and these drops have transformed his feeding. You can use when breastfeeding as well, you can buy them in Asda.

For congestion we use junior Olbas oil - 10 drops in a big bowl of very hot water placed near the cot really helps my eldest's breathing when he has a cold so might be worth a try.

Definitely contact your health visitor, they may be able to help speed up your referral. You could also discuss early weaning, at 5 months they may recommend introducing solids if you can't get the reflux under control as this often helps.

My eldest was a poor sleeper even when his feeding issues were resolved and I think some babies are just like that. He was up several times a night until around 18 months old and only now at 25 months have we just been able to start putting his to bed awake. My youngest at 4 months goes to bed awake already and has slept through a couple of times so they are very different. Hope some of this helps xx
Inogeen used to not sleep because of her reflux but since it went she still sometimes doesn't want to sleep at all so think some babies are just like that. It took till nearly 6 months for her to start sleeping through properly in cot. And then anything like illness or teething can change it all again. She also fights naps like mad and usually naps for 30 mins at a time xx
Hi, this is probably not something you want to hear but my little lady will be 2 in October and still wakes up a few times at night. Co-sleeping is a life saver... She however doesn't suffer form anything that should prevent her from sleeping through so it is different. I hope you get seen soon and they can help your DD sleep better x
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Another thing that occurred to me is tummy sleeping, I know this is a bit controversial and you may not want to try it but my first lo only started sleeping longer periods (i.e. More than 2 hours at night) when he started sleeping on his tummy and he still sleeps on his tummy now. If your lo can roll back to front and vice versa you might want to consider it. I always had an angelcare monitor on to monitor his breathing though. Tummy sleeping is also supposed to help with reflux.

If you're not comfortable with that, my second lo sleeps in a Sleepyhead and has done since a few days old. I don't know if that's why he sleeps well but a lot of people have success with it. I would say though the regular one is 0-8 months but I don't think will last my lo until 8 months as it's already getting snug. They do a bigger one though xx

Thank you so much for your replies xx
Sorry it's taken me so long to reply little lady is full on at the moment!
I took to get her weighed and had a chat with my health visitor who has suggested we start to wean her which I am pleased about. She is grabbing things and putting them in her mouth, rolling over and sitting up well. After some experimenting and chatting with health visitor we have come to the conclusion that it is feeding keeping her awake at night, hence the weaning. I wasn't a good sleeper either so maybe she is just like that! I think I am trying to make sense of it all and if it wasn't for the reflux I probably wouldn't be analysing it all so much.

I have read about soya but it's in everything! I have cut it down. It finding it really hard to totally eliminate!
I feel better and she has been much better yesterday and today so I think the pepti formula really upset her or she was just really suffering with her teeth.

She sleeps quite well on her side, never tried her on her tummy, might try that whilst I can watch her on the monitor.
We can't see the dietician any sooner so will just start weaning but do it gradually.

Thanks again everyone x
Oooh good luck!! Imogen was a different baby after weaning :)))

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My Son would wake frequently and only recently doesn't do so that much although still had episodes of doing so and he's 4. We co slept due to bad vomiting as he'd be ill for every little bit of teething and that be almost every two weeks at some point.

In regards of the stuffed nose. I would recommend nose spray before bed, it's annoying to do but I does clear it all up and helps them breath when lying down.

My son slept in my arms the first 8 months then he'd gotten a pillow and slept in his cot next to our bed. When he started sleeping in his own bed fine was when we took of the sides, seems like he's a tad claustrophobic as he hates enclosed spaces. Do not use a pillow if you're not comfortable or if your child is not used to them. I knew our son would be fine because he was next to me and I was finely in tune with him and he slept on pillows on the sofa since birth. Kids who are not are more vulnerable to suffocation. In that case where possible you could put a pillow under the mattress to elevate the mattress which could help.


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