4D scan pics


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
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Hi Ladies :wave:

We had the 4D scan done today. :D It was really good but just a little disappointing as LO was laying with his hand across his face for a lot of the time. :( We tried to get him to move but he was being a bit stubborn and sleepy.

Good news is that he's moved around again and is now head down with his spine along my left side, feet and hands on the right.

Here are a few of the better shots. Like I said, a little disappointing on the quality, but the sonographer said at this stage (almost 32 weeks) there is less fluid around the baby, and he's bigger so more cramped, which means it's harder to get more clearer pictures of all of him.

We got a good selection of shots (about 30) on CD plus a moving DVD of the entire scan. I'd recommend them for anyone else in Essex. It was good value at only £95 for about 30 mins. http://www.4dbabyimages.co.uk/ is the website.



One of baby yawning

they are brilliant Sabrina, congratulations
Thanks Ladies :D I think he's got my family's nose and OH's lips.

I still find it hard to believe that the little person in the pictures is inside me! :shock: Is that crazy or what?


Aaawwwwwwwwwww Sabrina, they are gorgeous pics, thanks for showing them, I'll bet it was a lovely 30mins you had :hug:
We had ours done at 30wks so were told the same about there being little fluid, our LO just tried sucking his thumb the whole time, its so amazing isn't it, I can really understand when you say it's crazy that the little person is inside you heehee
So happy for you all was well and you got to see your LO again :hug:
Aww they are great Sabrina...I actually recognised Dylans features from his 4D scan when he was born so well worth it.I had mine done at 27 weeks which they said was the optimum time and he did the same with his hand but managed to get him to move
wow they are great photos... know what you mean it is amazing to think he is inside of you! :D
Hey Sabrina

He is just adorable - what a lovely experience you and OH had.

I bet you just can't wait to meet him now!


Valentine xxx
Look at his nose, aww bless, you can really see what hes guna look like cant you, a right briuser!
Those pics are incredible!! I wish I could have a 3/4D pic :(

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