4D Scan pics


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2010
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Hi ladies,
Had a super scan today. It was worth every penny and pics are great, babe had eyes open for a lot of too. Sonographer was great and avoided bum area completely so still team yellow - much to my sons digust. Children really enjoyed scan and so did OH, definately a bonding experience.
The pics on here don't do the real ones justice as my scanner is broken so i had to take pics of them. So what do you reacon girl or boy?
awwwww baby is smiling and then opens the eyes they are fab!!! x x x
Wow they are lovely, that's the first open eye pickI have seen in 4D and first smile too! you must be so chuffed!!

Seeing as you asked, I say Boy for def X (well done for staying on team yellow, that's what I would like to do)
Awww bless they are really good! :) Glad your kids enjoyed it too, im still trying to think if i should take my daughter or not as shes only 3 and gets distracted i dont think i should but i dont want her to feel left out :( x
Amazing pics! Saying cheese for the camera! I think its a girl :)
I thought girl too :) Those pics are amazing!!!
awwwwwwww how cute. although i couldnt see little mans face on my scan so i was wounded as he had his legs and feet on his face lol. im thinking boy but ya never know lol xx cute pics xx
Wow they really are great pictures-so very clear!!! I'm thinking girl!
awww looks fab! thinkin girl :)

and to becks20 - i took my 4 year old daughter along and wen she was fed up she went in2 another room with ma sister!
wow! Look at his/her perfect little face! Just beautiful!!!I was saying to OH last night I wish we could have a sneaky peek at our boy! Congratualtions, bet you cant wait to meet your LO now!
They are amazing! :) We've got ours on Sat - cant wait!!

I cant believe how clear they are! His/her little eyes are gorgeous! x
Wow - amazing pictures, they are so clear! No idea about the sex, im rubbish at stuff like that! x
Thanks ladies have to say i was thinking girl too as babe is a spit of my daughters! To Becks my 6 year old lasted about 5 mins and went back into the play room!
12 weeks to go until you meet LO!!! 4D scan piccies are great really love them! bet you're feeling overwhelmed with excitedness now :D :hug: :love:
awwww they are great 4d scan pic's, i had one with my last but this time we are also staying team yellow and i thought a 4d scan you would be able to tell for sure just by looking at them but as i can see by ppl saying different you cant might see about one now.
PS my little girl was the double of my little boy on her 4d scan i keeped making them show me her bits to make sure as it was just like looking at him so you never know.
Brilliant pictures hun. so happy for you.
I'd definately say money worth spent there. x

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