4d scan big baby


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
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Hi everyone,

Feel a bit greedy by posting two topics on here at once today, but was just wondering if anyone else's baby is big?!

Had 4d scan yesterday and she is 3.5lb!!! :eek:

Wanted to include pic but not sure how to.

V cute little darling and she's such a little actress but I'm really worried that she is gonna be HUGE! Her head circumference measures that of 30 weeks when she is 28 weeks in reality. This is going to be painful.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? Could she just be having a growth spurt?

Any experiences/opinion will be highly valued and appreciated!

Ju x
the weight of a baby at 28 weeks really has no relevance on what it will be at term. Babies have growth spurts throughout gestation and times when they don't grow much at all.
I agree with Budge, my baby put just 9oz during the last 6 weeks of his gestation. :)

I'll just have to have a lovely surprise after 40-ish weeks!

And keep an open mind about my birthplan when I actually write it

I wouldn't worry too much, like budge says babies have different growth spurts. Seren really slowed down towards the end, she was measnt to be 10lbs but was 8lb 6. Plus I think that no matter what the weight, it will still feel the same if you know what I mean.[/u]
Yes, I know what you mean..............I'm sure as a first timer I won't know the difference between 7lb and 10lb-it'll be an experience whichever weight she is! :wink:
thats right. don't worry about the weight of a baby. :hug:
Bub could hav just had a growth spurt and not put much weight on til the end few weeks now, so I wouldn't worry...

I have possably just over 2 weeks to go if I go overdue, most likely and my baby's estimate from a scan was 8lb 6 at 39 weeks + 1 day.
Normally towards te last few weeks they slow growing length wise any way, and put on fat instead. So you wont find things like the head measurement get a lot bigger anyway.

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