40 Reasons to Love being Pregnant


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Just something I found which I thought was really nice .... :D

My fav one is ... No. 11 ... The first time you get to hear your baby’s heartbeat, and realise that there really is a baby growing in there ..

It reminds me of when I sat outside the Midwifes office when Keely was having her Appointment and I could hear my little Grandsons heartbeat for the 1st Time ... :dance: :D I actually started crying ... Silently I might add! :wink: :lol:

Heres the Rest .... :D

1. Relishing your special secret in the early days and weeks before you tell everyone else.
2. Looking forward to nine months of planning and dreaming about your baby
3. Discovering that you can love someone even when they're the size of a grain of rice!
4. Choosing maternity clothes — they’ve come a long way from dungarees and smocks!
5. Enjoying the fact that for once people want you to gain weight
6. Giving in to those cravings, even if it is for a big cream cake!
7. Pregnancy is the perfect excuse to pamper yourself — make time for long, scented baths, relaxing massages, and soothing creams.
8. You might finally get the cleavage you’ve been dreaming of (even if maternity underwear isn’t the prettiest you’ve ever seen!)
9. Throughout your pregnancy, and right until your baby is a year old, you can get free prescriptions and dental treatment
10. Making the most of your maternity rights – visit www.dti.gov.uk/er/maternity.htm to check them out.
11. The first time you get to hear your baby’s heartbeat, and realise that there really is a baby growing in there
12. Joining in with antenatal classes – a great way to get to know other new mothers in your area.
13. If this is your first baby, make the most of sleeping late at weekends.
14. Telling your nearest and dearest the good news and hearing their congratulations
15. After all these years, you’ll suddenly have a new perspective on your parents.
16. Feeling so proud of how amazing your body is, growing a whole new person from two tiny cells.
17. Planning and decorating the nursery – and when its all finished, just sitting in it, imagining bringing your baby home to her new room.
18. Feeling those first fluttering movements and wondering if it really was…..
19. Enjoying those extra vivid dreams you get during pregnancy – even if they do make you blush!
20. Watching a grainy picture of your baby wriggling around on the ultrasound monitor, and treasuring the pictures you take home.
21. Ordering every baby clothes catalogue you can possibly find, and spending hours choosing what will suit your little one best.
22. Taking bump pictures – so you can look back and wonder, was I really that big???
23. The glow you feel when your partner strokes your bump, or talks to your unborn baby.
24. Spending whole evenings looking through baby name books, trying to decide if your little baby will be an Archie or a Harry, a Daisy or an Olivia.
25. Imagining what he or she will look like – a perfect blend of the best features from both of you, of course!
26. Dreaming about how proud you will be when your baby grows up to be a doctor, footballer, or whatever else they choose to be.
27. The amazement you feel when you look at your bump, with your baby growing inside you.
28. Spending time rubbing cream into your bump – it might not prevent stretchmarks but it will relax you, and your baby will enjoy it as well!
29. Buying a cuddly toy, and this time for your baby, not someone else’s.
30. Having the best sex ever, or having the best ever reason for not feeling in the mood tonight!
31. Feeling your baby move, when no-one else can feel it – guaranteed to raise a smile on the toughest of days.
32. Making plans for baby’s first Christmas, first holiday, first birthday party
33. Feeling a pair of tiny heels in your ribcage might not be very comfortable, but you can forgive it – because soon you’ll be meeting the owner of those heels.
34. Having an excuse for feeling weepy – you can blame your pregnancy hormones for so much!
35. Being offered a seat on crowded trains and buses, even if it doesn’t happen as often as you might like.
36. Afternoon naps when you are on maternity leave – need we say more?
37. Washing and folding those gorgeous tiny baby clothes - doing the laundry is never more fun than this!
38. Making time to relax in the last few weeks before your baby arrives - shopping trips, lunch out on your own, dinner with your partner
39. The realisation that, whether you took 4 weeks or 4 years to conceive, soon you will be meeting your own little person!
40. Looking forward to getting pampered when you get home from hospital.
31. Feeling your baby move, when no-one else can feel it – guaranteed to raise a smile on the toughest of days.

I cant wait for that :D

40. Looking forward to getting pampered when you get home from hospital.

Only because it takes you 5 hours to get out of a seat after labour lol
number 13... i so miss that

bloody hell, its making me more broody... i really really only want 2 kids, but i love babies!!!!!!!

im going to end up having to leave this forum as it makes me want loads of babies!!!!!!!
What would you want next time dionne, boy or a girl? Or wouldnt it matter because you already have one of each.
35. Being offered a seat on crowded trains and buses, even if it doesn’t happen as often as you might like.

that never happened to me - people on buses round here have no manners :evil:
When I was 6 months I got asked by an old lady if she could have my seat :shock: I didnt mind so much because she was old, but no1 asked if Id liek their seat afterwards.
I shall pass these on to my g/f to cheer her up !!!!

Quite well, I stayed at hers for 3 days because we live like over the water from each other (Liverpool ~ Wirral)

But the day i came home i took her swimming and we left on good terms :)

Been on the phone to her the past few days aswell we had a good long chat :)

I'm at home now and i wont be able to see her till next week, really missing her and i think she's missing me too

We have the scan coming up soon aswell, cant wait !
Im really glad things are going so well. New she'd come round. You both just needed a bit of time to get used to the pregnancy me thinks. Bet you both cant wait till the scan, take lots of tissues! :D Im sure that will bring you so much closer together aswell. Take care x
violet-glow said:
Im really glad things are going so well. New she'd come round. You both just needed a bit of time to get used to the pregnancy me thinks. Bet you both cant wait till the scan, take lots of tissues! :D Im sure that will bring you so much closer together aswell. Take care x

Yeh im sure it will !!

We have had so much shit the past few months, i want to start a fresh!!

I really want to take her on Holiday i think that would bring us together so much !

But obviously with the baby on the way that will have to be put off for atleast a year+

But im sure the baby will bring us closer together as each day passes by :)
violet-glow said:
When I was 6 months I got asked by an old lady if she could have my seat :shock: I didnt mind so much because she was old, but no1 asked if Id liek their seat afterwards.

lol a old man asked me when i was 9months preg with Dior sat on my lap... i told him to do one, i aint got time of day for old people :shock: ooops i will be old one day

violet-glow, i really wouldnt be bothered about the sex i dought il even find out if i get preg again

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