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40 + 8 MW appointment


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2010
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Just got back from having my stretch and sweep with my Midwife. Can't believe I lost sleep over it - it didn't hurt 1 bit. Infact last week it was more uncomfortable than this week.

The good news is that my cervix is more effaced and admitted 2 fingers - MW said this enable her to perform the stretch and sweep more easily (and it certainly didn't feel as tight)

Also, I was told that I am 1cm dilated lol (well considering I have had no contractions, just period type pains - I'm *wishful thinking* the next 9cm will be as painless! lol)

Midwife is leaving me now for 48 hours to see if my labour will start naturally. She said that beyond the 48 hours, it is doubtful the stretch and sweep has been successful, so I'll be admitted to hospital on Sunday for tests to be performed and possibly being induced.

As a lot of you know, I have been against induction - but to be honest I WILL NOT put my baby at risk, so if tests show my placenta is not performing as it should, or the fluid surrounding the baby is drying out then I will accept the induction method being offered and just dismiss my previous concerns around induction.

My Midwife was very good actually because she said that she hates google as it brings up all sorts of 'crazy' theories of dangers around medical procedures that scare a lot of people.

I have one of these personalities that I have to weigh up pro's and con's for everything before I feel I can make a sensible decision. I admit I looked up induction and was frightened at my findings of possible things that can go wrong etc...But like the midwife said it is far more dangerous to just be left and not act if the baby does not appear on it's own. So I am feeling more reassured about it now, eventhough I know that I am eating my words! :oops:

In a way I am happy to know that I will have my baby in my arms by next week, so although nervous about labour, my little bundle of joy will be entering the world very soon :)
Great news :) Hoping you meet ur bundle of joy soon! I was induced with my daughter as I was in early labour for days on end....it was just a case of having the waters broken & that was enough to start it off properly. Hoping you wont need much intervention now :)
Emma that's great news!!! Sunday oh my goodness that's not long at all but hoping this sweep kick starts it off. All those period cramps must have dilated you which is great since it's actually done some good and not been for nothing.

You hear lots of horror stories about everything in pregnancy and I dont think it was nice of that lady to say she was screaming at her sweep because were all different. People have horror stories about induction too but I had a great birth with the drip so it can't be that bad and me and baby were safe all the way through, they know what to look for.

So either way.. It's all good!! :)
hey :D that all sounds quite promising, the way i look at it is your body is doing something at least. good luck xx
ahw what a great attitude to have.. you are right to consider changing your mind about induction.. i was induced and although it took a little while to work for me it did the job and i went on to have a normal deliverywith the help of the drip...it was absolutely fine and i loved the whole experience. Hopefully your sweep will work but if it doesn't then my experience of induction was really positive and so could yours be x x x
That's great you've already started dilating!! When were you due again?
That's great you've already started dilating!! When were you due again?

26th Jan - he seems quite comfortable where he is though! I really think it's going to be an induction job, but we'll see :oooo:
I really hope that the sweep works Girly.
Yay that sounds good! When I got my induction date I went into labour naturally so hopefully that'll happen for you! If not though, not to worry, look how many inductions they must do, they obviously know what they're doing and you'll be in the best hands. Like you said, if it's best for baby then that's all that matters! Oooh I've gotta keep my eyes peeled for your labour thread now yippee!x
come on emma your next hun!! we are all waiting for you then we will all start (wishfulll thinking!!) xx
come on emma your next hun!! we are all waiting for you then we will all start (wishfulll thinking!!) xx

Omg I seriously thought you had at least another month left! That's flown by (to me it has anyway lol)
Wow lots of birth announcements soon! X
I hope the sweep works Hun. You never know if you're already 1 cm stranger things have happened!
i really hope your sweep works hun!! however dont be scared by induction.....yo ucan still have a normal birth its just helping the lo on his way!!! oh god its so exciting that your lo is coming so soon!! they might try and strap you to the bed however apparently you're not allowd to move about but from what iv consequently read on here you can move about you just have ot be careful with th edrip!!! hope it all goes well, omg my phone is gonna be permanently on loud now haha!! xx
How are you today Emma? Feeling anything?

Didn't have a great night sleep. I woke up at around 4 then last time I looked at the clock was 6.10.

Got up this morning and had some very sharp twinges in my ladies area again, and had some period pains which seemed to be increased in severity, compared to the dull aches I've had before.

But after an hour of being up it has worn off. It seems to be if I walk around the sharp twinges come. Yet it settles if I sit down.

I'm just aiming for Sunday now. Me and hubby are going to arrange a nice last day of just the two of us on Saturday. Prob have a walk and a nice lunch out somewhere. It's giving me something to look forward to!
Aw sorry you didn't sleep well, if it makes you feel better, neither did I.

I know what you mean about the cramps. Last week mine were strong at the night because I was active during the day. This week ive been lazy and they are not as bad.

Glad you've planned a nice day together :) and if you have a little gate crashed I don't think you'll mind!
Aw sorry you didn't sleep well, if it makes you feel better, neither did I.

I know what you mean about the cramps. Last week mine were strong at the night because I was active during the day. This week ive been lazy and they are not as bad.

Glad you've planned a nice day together :) and if you have a little gate crashed I don't think you'll mind!

definately not!!! Want this cheeky monkey out :dance:

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