4 - 5 weeks and odd pains


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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This is going to be my first baby and the words "Absolutely Terrified" just doesnt cover it! Im having the period like pains which my doctor said is normal, but today im having a pain at just a millimeter to the right of my belly button, and i can only feel it when i move. Its not painfull, but i know its there. Any advise please??
These pains sound perfectly normal hun, they are your body stretching to accomadate your growing baby!

Congratulations x
not too sure hun..but im 4 weeks and gettin period type pains too..what did ur doctor say about them ? i was gettin worried about it :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I just replied to you both but it hasnt come up? :think: Anyways, thanks ever so much for your replies, im just so scared right now. Your all going to hear a lot of me from now on :rotfl:
are period pains normal then ?? i keep thinking im going to come on and keep scaring my self :(
owww and what other symptoms do u have hun ? u must be due around the same time as me..we should be buddies :cheer:
Try and not think of them as 'period pains' but rather 'womb twinges!'
The pains in the early stages are very much like period pains, only worse (well they have been for me anyway!) :wink: It seems like they are just really random and can happen at different times as your body adjusts to the little one growing inside you...
allycat said:
The pains in the early stages are very much like period pains, only worse (well they have been for me anyway!) :wink: It seems like they are just really random and can happen at different times as your body adjusts to the little one growing inside you...

mine have ben worse than period pains too :cheer: i think its kinda good but then kinda horrid if u get me :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: your only a week ahead of me hun..how u feelin this week i had to change my sons nappy this afternoon and it made me heave :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: where as usualy im fine with his dirty nappies.
HollyHobby said:
Try and not think of them as 'period pains' but rather 'womb twinges!'

i love ur way with words.... :rotfl: ohh forgot to tellyou hun..do u remember ur "ask zoltra a question" and i asked if i would get the nursery nurse job........well i got it but i cant find the thread in TTC :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: he also said id have a 2008 BFP ....correct again :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
My pains have stopped and I am a bit worried but have made a deal with myself to stop worrying.
With my 1st PG I had pains for longer- but maybe becasue I've been PG this year the pains aren't as noticable?? Hmmmmmmmmmm
With my first pg, I got my bfp at one day late, and had gone to bed with a period pain two hours before - thought it was going to come! Then things cleared up and I tested. BFP! I had "womb twinges" for the first month or so.

The second pregnancy which I miscarried I had none of that but on the last day when the pregnancy actually began to fail, I had a bad pain in my right side that felt like a stitch. It lasted for more than a day and I had to go lie down with this one.

With this pregnancy - which I am almost scared to believe - I'm having little twingy pains on either side from time to time.

I have read that - if your pain is severe, accompanied by bleeding or lasts more than four or five hours, go see the doctor or to your ER. Otherwise, twinges are normal.

I know - what's severe? It's hard to tell. But I would say that "severe" is a pain that is enough to bother you, make you want to sit down and put your feet up.

And at the end of all that...if you are worried, see your doctor. No substitute for an expert's advice. You may be afraid of wasting his or her time, but no worry is a waste of time. You're better off when you are reassured and relaxed.


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