39 week MW appointment


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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Went well

BP - 110/70
Urine - fine
Fundal - 40
Baby lying ROL and 3/5 engaged

She is happy with all this :) said not to worry overly if LO does not engage before I go into labour. She doesn't see it being a problem. Says baby has plenty of room down there to move head around so might not engage fully before labour kicks in. So am not fretting about that anymore.

Baby also still has room to flip like a pancake from LOL (was there at scan last week and until a couple of days ago) to ROL :shock: Plenty of room she says.

Bump was quiet this morning but of course then put on a wiggle display for the MW.

She also talked some more with us (hubby was there also today) about homebirth and so on. We both came away feeling more reassured than ever by her.

I opted to wait 2 weeks before seeing her again and she's booked me in for a sweep then if LO has not arrived before. Also said about showing me some reflexology things to help :think:

And I have an appointment with the Registrar (O joy :wall: ) on May 19 if LO has not arrived by then to discuss induction. This is a Monday. Hubby has said lets hold out for homebirth till that date as my sweep is the Wednesday before. So all being well, that's the present plan of action but could be subject to change as and when :lol: :roll:
Glad all is well. Not long left now :dance:

Can I just ask what LOL and ROL mean? Sorry :roll:
xJodieLoux said:
Glad all is well. Not long left now :dance:

Can I just ask what LOL and ROL mean? Sorry :roll:

ROL = ROL: right occipital longitudinal lie (baby is lying sideways with the head on your right)

LOL = LOL: left occipital longitudinal lie (baby is lying sideways with the head on your left)

Both the optimal positions for labour as I understand it.

This page is my bible :lol: Its a US site but much applies here also

http://www.babypartner.com/guides/prena ... -notes.php

This is a UK site worth looking at

all sounds good - really hope you get your homebirth hope your LO is listening :)
brilliant news Sherlock :D all go for a home birth :D
not long now :dance: :dance:
sarah :wave:
All sounds good for your homebirth just a waiting game now, hope its not much longer for you.

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Sounds very positive!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

My lil bro didn't engage until my mom was pushing....so that is never too much of a problem!

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