38 week mw


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Got there early, got seen early :D result!!!!!

Urine fine, bp up but we are putting that down to my pain levels and lack of sleep. I love my mw she's fab and so jolly lol. Measuring 37 weeks so am pleased with that. We talked about movements and I said I don't count them I time them, I know when he's normally awake and if he's not by a certain time then I worry.....she said this is the best way cos they don't move quite so much at random times the closer they get to birth.

On the plus side Albert is 3/5ths engaged (she got me to feel his head bless him :D) :bunny: :pompom:.....and she said to book 40 week appointment at the last minute with gp as she doesn't think I'll make my due date :yay:. She said he's so far down and the last few days I've been finding it hard to keep my bottom clean cos he's pressing on the opening to my bowel eeeeeewwwwwwww.

She's told me to keep bouncing on the ball and he'll be here in no time :D xxxxxxxxx
Yay sounds like you're both getting ready :) xx
Aw that is hood hun, hopefully he doesn't keep you waiting too long xx
Sounds good, hope it all goes well. Look forward to your labour thread :) x
Good luck hun, hope LO makes an appearence for you soon xx
Yehhhhhh sounds great. When the heads engaged does it go to 1/5 or 5/5? Im confused haha. I need one of these balls haha xxx
I paid £5 in tesco for my ball charlie. If mw says 3/5ths engaged then he is 2/5ths palpable ( that's how much they can feel of his head)
Thats great news hun sounds like your midwife is lovely and helpfu. All mine has said is his head is well and truly down in my pelvis, no indication of when he may be born, also I haven't had it mentioned about my birth plan does anyone know when this is usually discussed and done? xxxx
He could be here in 2-3 weeks you lucky thing! xxx
I think you pretty much have to mention your birth plan. Cos we are intelligent adults they leave us to do it......apparently we are not hormonal and forgetful women who get freaked out at the mere mention of labour lol. Have you had your ante natal classes yet?
Hi BB! Just wanted to finally introduce myself! I'm due the same day as you and have been secretly stalking all your posts as you seem to know what's going on!! Plus you're funny in your posts and make light of what I would and am findIng pretty terrifying!! I finIsh work on Friday so will beable to sPend more time on here and actually cOnverse with you rather than just have a quick sneaky read whilst at work!!! X
Hi BB! Just wanted to finally introduce myself! I'm due the same day as you and have been secretly stalking all your posts as you seem to know what's going on!! Plus you're funny in your posts and make light of what I would and am findIng pretty terrifying!! I finIsh work on Friday so will beable to sPend more time on here and actually cOnverse with you rather than just have a quick sneaky read whilst at work!!! X

Hi hun, I'm terrified too lol, I think we all are tbh. But my dad told me a Jewish proverb when we found out I was pregnant.....

"God cannot be everywhere, that's why He made mothers" :D
Thats great news hun sounds like your midwife is lovely and helpfu. All mine has said is his head is well and truly down in my pelvis, no indication of when he may be born, also I haven't had it mentioned about my birth plan does anyone know when this is usually discussed and done? xxxx
He could be here in 2-3 weeks you lucky thing! xxx

my mw is doing a home visit on 31st march when im 35 weeks and its discuss birth plan as im at hosp at 34 and 36 weeks so not going to to docs to see mw until 38 weeks, i would mention it next time :) xx
fingers crossed it all happens soon as it sounds quite promising at the moment :) xx
I have a mw appt booked for 38 weeks at the docs again think its a 1 in 1 out system in my area!
BB I decided to not go to any ante-natal classes just done research myself ha xxx
ohhhh sounds promising BB!! i saw midwife today and im 2/5s she really struggled to feel much woo hoo (Well it bloody hurt at the time but good hes so low)

keep bouncing keep bouncing! but soo not fair if you get in there before me :p


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