38 week midwife


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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I always come back from midwife appointments feeling a bit low. "38+3, 3/5 engaged, hb ok, urine ok. size ok, see you in 2 weeks."

My midwife is going to let me go 12 days over, but my friend who is with the same midwife team is only allowed to go 10 days over. Midwife seems against sweeps and anything to get the baby moving and just seems to think it will happen when it happens. I can have a sweep at 40+3 if I want but she just made out it would be painful and unnecessary as if the babys not ready it won't do anything.

I just want baby now I don't want to wait any longer. Certainly don't want to wait 12 days after due date!

Guess I was just hoping for more...
odd how MW's differ area to area :/ ive been offered a sweep for tomoz then if that doesnt worj can have one at 41 weeks then if that doesnt work inducement.

Within reason think you can actually ask for one, as its only giving the baby a little nudge and if they are ready the can come if not then they will stay put.

Ive been engaged 2/5 for many weeks, baby was head down from around 30 weeks. Im seeing a new MW tomoz and she doesnt proppmt it i will as I have already been promised it :) xxxxx
think it can only be alittle uncomfortable and depending on how ready your cervix is too etc xxx
Thats rubbish.

I got booked in for a sweep in 14 days time (i'll be 2 days before due date) but I was also told I could go 12 days over which is dissapointing, thought it was only 9.

she said I could have one but reading between the lines she basically said it would be unnecessary pain. Think I'm just on a downer today tbh....
I am actually worried that I won't be allowed to go much overdue... I would like bubba to come out naturally - surely it's better for the mum and for the baby? And labour should be easier...

I understand that you are getting very impatient, but it's only a few days... Cheer up and enjoy your bump while you can :)

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