37w birth weights??


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2010
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ok im not really too sure where to post this but as its a question only mums can answer i suppose i'll put it in her..... :eh:

I've been told im 90% likely to be induced next week following a growth scan on Tuesday as he is growing small and i have WAYYYYY too much protein in my wee! (im famous for my protein in my hospital) :whistle:

my scan is at 37+1w and so it could be anytime from then till 37+4 when i give birth.

What sort of weights were your babies coming in at that time?? When i had my 20w scan the midwife said it looked like he'd be a big baby so we bought mostly 0-3m stuff but now he's gunna be early and he's not growing properly im guessing he's not gunna be so tubby after all.... I know it all changes depending on your pregnancy and everyones different but just wanted to sort of get a rough guide on how heavy your babies were at this age?? :roll:
Hi! Drake was born 37+1 weeks and was more or less bang on dates. He weighed 6lbs 1oz. Smaller than my middle son who was 6lb 11oz at 36 weeks but he was measuring big for dates.

Hope this helps!
thanks Yodabo.... What size clothing did they go into?? Did they stay in it long??
My twins were born at 37 wkd and were 5lb 5oz and 5lb 9oz. They wore newborn size, although the legs on the baby grows were a bit long. They were in scbu for three days x
My little man was born at 37+2 (my date), 36+5 their date and according to the discharge letter they dated him at 37 weeks :eh: He weighed 7lb 9oz but he was considered big :)
My little man fitted the early baby clothes....just! And only stayed in them a a week or so. I would,kt buy so much little things as they grow VERY fast at this stage :)

Cosmic girl- why were they in scbu?? were there specific problems or was it just for monitoring

were you both induced or did it happen naturally??
They had jaundice. It was natural, I was due to be induced the next day! x
I was induced due to pre clampsia and my bp going to 200/130 :shock:

The wee man was in NICU for 72 hours due to poor apgars at birth and irrability at birth and high tone? I think, but he was stuck and was fine after a a few hours but was kept as a a precaution. I also ended up with c/s. X
i had a c-sec at 37 plus 5 (cant find the sign) and my lo was 5lbs 2oz!!! i knew he was going to be small as last few scans showed slow growth rate! hes now over 15lbs and doing great!!!
my lo stopped growing at 32 weeks ad we were being monitored etc etc and she was born at 38 + 6 and she weighed 4lb 3ozs x
My friends baby was born at 37 weeks and was 7lb 10oz x
E was born at 36+2 and was 4lb 12oz. She was in scbu for 9 days but a healthy 15lb 2oz at 6 months.
thanks Yodabo.... What size clothing did they go into?? Did they stay in it long??

Drake was in Tiny baby for 6 weeks!! I can't remember with my other..i think he was ok in Newborn sizes.
amelia was in tiny baby clothes for ages then went to early baby and now she is in newborn size but her legs are long so might have to go up to 0-3 months for leg length x
had my lil one now. 37+1 and was 5lb 1 1/2oz x and he is in the smallest clothing possible!
My one was a few days later, 38+3, was 8lb 12. Heffer of a child! He was 4 ozs heavier than my daughter who was 2 weeks late! X

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