37 week check up grrrrrr!


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2007
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Just got back from my check up and the doctor is sending me for another growth scan this Monday. He says I am holding alot of fluid, gas and water and thinks my baby is big, could have told him that to save time lol

It was horrible though, he was pressing so hard down on my tummy, I let out a yelp and he said 'shhhhhhh slowly slowly'. Felt like saying 'how'd you like it if I stamped on your tummy hard, several times grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Everything is fine though, I'm in my last 3 weeks, put on half a kilo. I want to know something though, if I am having this famous big baby like they all think, why have I only put on 9 kilos (6.5 kilos to a stone and the average weight gain for my time is 15 kilos by now) so far???

Blah to it!
hi hun i lost 6lb when i was pregnant with hannah and she was born at 35+5 and was 10lb 4oz lol
mary70 said:
hi hun i lost 6lb when i was pregnant with hannah and she was born at 35+5 and was 10lb 4oz lol

Jus the thought of the baby being over 8lb makes me wanna cry :shock:

I read a story in that 'Chat' magazine about a woman giving birth to a baby weighing 1 stone...............gave me nightmares for days!

But I am sleeping is horrid, I don't sleep much at night, I need a crane to help turn me over now :lol: but, like the other day, I spend atleast one whole day just sleeping! Would that be du to the baby growing?

My tummy feels so itchy all the time and I now have spagball junction across my tummy 8O

And who ever says the baby doesn't move much in the last month, LIES!!! I TELL YA!! This baby never stops moving or kicking, EVER!!!
yes hun it would be the baby making you tired, maybe if the baby is growing large today they will start you off, i went for my 36 week check and they found i had pre eclmapcia and the size of they baby they started me there and then so good luck hun you might be meeting bubs before too long
I had a growth scan on my 32nd week and the doc said everything was fine then, he was a tiny bit heavy for his age but no worries. I am determined to see this one through to the end. Main reason is due to us not having moved into our new apartment yet lo,l
hope all goes well for you then hun, i was measuring big from being 16 weeks so you should be ok, just make sure you take 2 sizes of clothes to hospital with you as first size never fit hannah

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