36 Week Midwife Check


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2007
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Had my 36 week midwife check this morning and all is good, sample is clear and baby is well in my pelvis now, my notes say 3/5, so would someone be able to remind me is it 3/5 in pelvis or 3/5 out of pelvis??

Also on the SPD front she said that it sounds likes I have a mild form of it but by the time a physio appointment is made I would have had baby, so she is just going to get me a tubie grip thing for around my pelvis to hold it closer together.
3/5 is generally taken to mean that she's 2/5 IN your pelvis and 3/5 out.

Basically 5/5 is free (not engaged at all).

It's the opposite way round to what you might expect.
Thanks becs, i'm so glad he's engaged, although she did say that her could come out :pray: that he doesn't though!!!
Glad it went well and great news hes engaged :D
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Spd seems to be so common we all have it. :twisted:
sounds like a good appointment hun :D

good news about little man being engaged, lets hope if he comes out its downwards and not floating upwards :lol: maybe another early baby or at least on time would be nice! :pray:
Yeah the SPD is a pain, it's the when i'm trying to get comfy to sleep that it's the most irritating, hardly slept at all last night had to have a kip earlier today!!

Thanks Tilly, i'm like you and want him to wait until i reach 37 weeks before he wants to come out, only 11 days for me then he is more than welcome to suprise me and come before my due date!!! Do you know if James is engaged yet???
No Jamesy isnt engaged yet, he is well down there but not engaging although Ive had those sharp cervix stabs today so maybe he is thinking about it :lol: Im sure though as soon as his head goes down then it wont be very long at all as my cervix is already very soft I think it will move things along pretty quick. Im probably just wishful thinking though. Only 11 days for you :cheer: :cheer: that will go so quick!! 20 days for me until Im good for the birth centre :? Im not 'as' worried as I was yesterday about the hospital and Im sure at the time of labour I wont care where I am but it would be alot nicer.
Yeah I know what you mean, but it would be nice to have our first choice and not have to worry about baby coming before full term, just watch we will both go overdue now!!!

When do you get you next scan?
LOL - I bet we do go well overdue :lol:

I should have a scan Tues or Weds, I have to ring up and see as the post is funny with it being Easter/Bank Hols. At this rate I'll have enough photos to fill an album of him and he isnt even born yet :lol:

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