36 week check


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2011
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Just come back from my 36 week check. All is well. Had my bloods taken, and my GBS swab done too (which was surprisingly uncomfortable and has now made me feel like I have cystitis. Grrr :roll:). Bump now measures 35cms and baby is currently 3/5 engaged (although MW said with a second baby, that can change as baby can come in and out freely). My blood pressure was better this week at 110/60 and I'm no longer testing postitive for white blood cells in my urine :) And I weighed 64.5kgs.

Can't believe there's so little time left :lol:
horaay! apart from the cystisis effect! thats super news for you :) good to hear it! xxxx
GBS is group b strep hun- it's a bacteria that some people carry and don't know about but can potentially harm baby when born if u carry it- see thread in pregnancy chat for more info!

Glad it went well DW! It's scary how close it's getting now! Hope your GBS results come back quick, got mine this week and all was good, so pleased about that!......Sorry the swab was uncomfortable......did they do a high one or a low one?
I saw MW last week but they don't wanna see me til 37 weeks so I don't get a 36 week check :-s
Oh I see, does everyone need one? don't remember having that done ever.
They don't routinely do it in England but u can ask MW for it and see what she says. It's best to be tested between 35 and 37 weeks to give an accurate prediction of whether u will carry it around the time u deliver. If u are positive they give u antibiotics in labour to help protect the baby. U can get a private home swab test kit also.
Glad all was good this week, are you also back in 2 weeks?

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