34week app


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2012
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Had my 34 week app today @ 34weeks 4days at the hospital.
baby is still breech & was told to come back in 2weeks @ 36+4 to discuss evc my options.
spoke to the midwife about the evc (which i told her im relectant to get done too many risks and wouldnt wanna possibly put baby under distress)

we spoke about vaginal breech delivery which again i think is too risky and dont think its the safest delievry for baby being breech.

and c section which scares me but it seems to be the safest delivery for baby, which is the priority.

so will opt for c section because thats the safest for baby. im just so scared.

will go back in 2weeks to discuss this again, possibly have scan and was told if i opt for section i will get my date in 2 weeks. but it will take part a couple weeks after at 38+6

i am exited but so scared, how do i get over the fear? at least i know im doing what seems the safest for baby x
Sorry to hear your little one is still breech, I have just had my 32 week appointment and the midwife said he his back to back and maybe breech.

On a positive note my sister's baby was breech up to 36 weeks so hopefully your little one still as time to turn.
I've heard there is still time for your lil'un to turn.

But if not it is rather exciting that you will get a date when you are going to meet them!
Yeah chances at 35weeks of baby turning though are slim. midwife said at 37weeks if baby hasnt turned its unlikely he will. so im not too convinced he will turn now but we will see. i see consulatant in 12days so if hes still breech i will get a date :) its exiting thinking he could be here at end of month :D
my baby waas breech until last night and now its turnt!! Went to midwife today and its down the right way! They said to me they would turn the baby at 37 weeks and if it didnt work try again at 40 week. Wont they turn the baby for you? X
my baby waas breech until last night and now its turnt!! Went to midwife today and its down the right way! They said to me they would turn the baby at 37 weeks and if it didnt work try again at 40 week. Wont they turn the baby for you? X

Yes they would turn baby in 2weeks if i wanted, but i dont want to. read up on it and too many risks i dont fancy taking like baby going into distress while they doing it or after and then if that happens energency c section there and then.
Plus herd it can cause bleeding in the mum or baby, plus they would only do it if baby not to big and my Lo is big and i dont feel right forcing ther baby to turn if he doesnt want to.

Biggest thing though is the is risking putting him into distress and have be born right there and then because of it. so im not willing to get the evc done.

i was told also if you did get evc done and it didnt work or you choose not to have it done they dont leave you to due date they would section you @ 39weeks to avoid going into labour baby being breech and have to have e c section.
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