34 weeks appointment


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2009
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Just got back from the midwife and just felt like saying how well it went!

Blood pressures absolutly fine, Ive got a little competition with myself not to let it get above 120/70.

The midwife did a bit of her Big Brother mojo though and I had sugar in my urine and she was like 'ahhh have you just had a doughnut'...so I admitted Id just eaten a cookie :)

Im measuring at 32 weeks which is fine and babys head down and they said (there was a student midwife there too) that babys head is just on the brim so ready to go into place at any point so if I feel any little niggles down there then thats probably what it is. Im preparing myself to walk like a duck!

That was it really :) its just nice when you have a nice simple appointment and everythings good. :D
All sounds great, i have my 34wk appointment tomorrow...hope it goes as well lol!
:yay: so glad everything went well. When do they start doing internal examinations? Is that how they tell if the head is engaged? I havent had one yet, just wondering if I should get my bikini wax organised for before my next appointment!
I haven't had any internals they just feel down by your pubic bone :) x
thats excellent news! :yay: I think it must be on the american websites that they talkabout it and I always think..hmmm...whats going on with these internals!
Lol I wouldn't be able to cope with internals every week I'm dreading the sweep I get Tuesday if she's still not here :( xx
Yeah internals arent until your overdue I think. Or if they think they need to but if every things good then they don't bother.

Like meeah though Im dreading them, really hoping I can just get away with not having any until Im in labour.

Lets hope you ger your little one moving before tuesday meeah!! x
Oh so glad it went well! my 34 week appointment was HORRIBLE i am glad they arent all that bad!

Glad it went well hun - internals aren't done until absolutely needed - ie during labour or for sweep. I have to say my first one ever was by a male mw and my OH was horrified - by that point i wasn't that bothered and beleive me during labour you'll be asking for one to see how things are progressing lol. Glad to hear babe is head down - know how you feel about pressure and movement down there i'm sure my babe enjoys poking my bladder!

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