31 weeks might have to deliver soon...


New Member
Apr 4, 2014
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Hi All

I was just wondering if I could get some info about prem babies ect.

Saturday I was took to hospital with a big bleed witch turns out I have a clot behind my placenta I was sent to a bigger hospital thar can look after my baby if born. I was kept on delivery suit till today. The bleeding has stopped but my baby has not grown in 1 week he is weighing 2pounds 5oz at 31 weeks so its touch and go if he has to be delivered or not.

Anyway my questions are...
After a c-section how long did u have to stay in hospital for?
If u had ur baby at 31 weeks how long was they in hospital for?
Was there any other problems with there health due to be born early?

Thank you all so much! X
Hi Hun, sorry you are going through this. I had my boy at 32 weeks. He was 4lb and stayed in neonatal for 3 weeks. I had a natural delivery so I was discharged straight away. He is perfectly happy and tge only issues we have us that he is prone to chest infections and possibly has asthma because if having weaker lungs. The dr tells us this will get better with age tho. There were babies in neonatal with us born much earlier and much smaller. They do amazing things Hun everything will be fine. Pm me if you have any questions. Best of luck xxxx
there is someone in tri2 who delivered at 28 weeks and someone in tri3 who delivered at 31 weeks please check last few pages of June mummies thread in tri3
Your baby has to weigh 5lb suck a bottle or breast breath on own ( some go home with oxygen) b4 they let them go home good news they will be fully checked b4 taking them home things like hearing and sight I had to stay in hospital for 5 days after c - section my little man was born at 28 weeks weighing 1lb 9 oz he had a heart massarge would go forward two steps and back one lots of ups and downs but he is a very cheeky healthy 3 year old we got to take him home a month b4 his EDD. Hope this helps I was lucky coz i shared the ward with a lady who had been their b4 and filled me in with all I needed to know she has a 24 weeker who is very healthy to its amazing what they can do now
Just to update I had my son my emergency c-section on the 13/04/14 at 31+6 he come out weighing 2pounds 3oz he is doing really really well and hopefully he will be home around his due date xx
The same thing just happened to me this weekend, had a big bleed and contractions at 31 weeks and then it all stopped. Im back home now and hoping baby stays put a while longer. sounds like your little boy is doing great, congratulations xx
I had my little girl 16 days ago at 31+4 and she is doing so well. She weighed 3lb15oz which is very good considering how early she was and she now weighs 4lb5oz yesterday. The hospital staff at scbu have been fab, dont know when i will get to take phoebe home, but she is in the best place :) congrats and hope you and your baby boy r doing well xx

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