30 weeks...


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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Really pointless thread but I can't believe I'm at 30 weeks - that sounds "properly pregnant". Nice to know that baby will definitely be here in the next 12 weeks :)

Can't wait now, especially after having cuddles with my three week old nephew yesterday. Hubbie was so sweet and said he didn't want to leave the baby and wants our baby to be here now plus he looked so natural with him! :)
Wow 30 weeks already hunny, it seems to have gone so quick. Your little bundle of joy will be here before you know it x x

Awwww that's great Jodie. It is going sooo fast! :)

Thanks M2A and pinky it really is whizzing past xx
Yes I agree 30 weeks is a real milestone - the final stretch! xx
yey :) you will be recievin big cuddles of ur lil one in no time :) x
Yikes, congratulations! I remember when I joined, it seemed like you were well pregnant compared to me, and now it seems so close! Time is flying by isn't it!
Im just under 4 weeks behind you and couldnt believe it when i looked at my ticker today and ive got 95 days to go. Im into double figures :) xx
Thanks lea, Amanda and rere :)

Yes cantstop it's funny how you think that about others who aren't much further on - for me it's wilma so when she gives birth I'm gonna feel really close!

Wow xxemmaxx getting under 100 days felt like a big milestone for me too! Congrats! Can't believe I'm down to 69! x

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