3 years of trying, could this be the month


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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Hi Ladies, I am new to the site and I am really hoping for some advice. I have been trying for 3 years to have my third child. I currently have a 4 year old and a 8 year old.

I have been though everything that you ladies have been through, I am addicted to testing (always too early), the emotional tourment each month and 'feeling' pregnant time and time again.

I have only just decided to do something about this!!!! and I am going to the Dr's on 3rd Feb for a full health check to see if they can identify what the problem is.

However this month, something feels different and I am wondering if this could be the month. My last cycle started on 24th December. Approx 2.5 weeks ago my boobs started to feel really painful especially at the sides, this has got worse as the days have gone on and they are now so big, I can feel the difference when washing and my bras are really tight, I have been falling asleep in a instant, so much cramping from 2.5 weeks ago. I have been getting spots on the top of my arms and face, bad gas,heartburn,nausea, moody,tearful and mega hungry.

So I have tested (way way to early) and of course BFN!!! I have anything from a 32-38 day cycle.

What do you ladies think? When should I test to stand a good chance of a correct answer, I suppose I know the answer to this already LOL anytime after my period is due, I am just so excited/worried about getting my hopes up.

I have not discussed anything with my Husband as I feel like it will jinx it, silly I know!

I normally feel sick and have hurting boobs the week AF is due but this has been going on for weeks now and my boobs are massive and really hurt.

Sorry to go on!!!!! XXXXXXXXX
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It all sounds very promising, but obviously you know that the longer you wait to test them more chance their is of the result being accurate if you are infact pregnant, if you absolutley cant wait anymore id say to test again the the few days leading up to your AF being due, dont keep wasting your money chick :lol:
Hiya, welcome to the site. I am new here too, only joined this week. I'm 32 and we're trying for our second child, we already have a son who will be 5 in a few weeks.

I've wasted so many tests this month testing too early (about 4 times!), only for the OB to arrive 2 days ago so I would just say hold on as long as you possibly can. Easier said than done, I know only too well.

Good luck with ttc, I hope it's not long before you get your BFP.
wouah that's cool if you are really pregnant! congrats!

I definitely think the signs are promising and I will keep all my fingers crossed for you.

I agree that you should wait as long as you can before you do the next test though - if you can bear it, right up until the 38th day of your cycle...

Just think every day without AF is a really promising day but if you test and get a BFN you will turn it into a disappointing day even though the test might be too early to give an accurate result anyway... (does that make sense? not sure I am saying it right)

Good luck!!!!!

Jenni x
Hi Guys, thank you so much for your support but AF came today!!!! I really cannot believe it, in the 3 years we have been trying, this month I truely thought I was pregnant.

I have an appointment with Dr on 30th Jan and will get her to do every test possible!

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