3.5 hrs at Hosp- High BP!


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Just got back from my local Hosp, had my routine check up with my Midwife at GP's today and my BP was 130/90 , then 131/95, and 142/90. So they sent me to the hosp for full blood tests. I HATE waiting around.

When they did my BP at the hosp it was 100/60, in a matter of 1/2hr it had changed dramatically, they checked it 4 times over the period of 3.5 hrs and it stayed around 110/60. Sent all my bloods off, they were fine, apart from one which hadnt come back, so i have to ring at 5.00 to get the result. Put me on a monitor for the baby for 40mins too, havent had one of those before, but it showed his heartbeat, and Midwife said it was ok.

Got home visits now tomorrow, monday and Thurs to check my BP again. Midfwife seemed concerned as I've been getting headaches almost everyday. :(

On the plus side baby has started to become engaged, said he was 3/5 engaged, so still a way to go yet but its starting. Only 3 and a bit weeks left!
Sounds like your day was the day I almost had!! Had high bp at midwife appt this morn but got out of going to hosp as no baby sitters!! Just waiting phone call with results of blood tests now!

Hope all is ok with you!!
soulem said:
Sounds like your day was the day I almost had!! Had high bp at midwife appt this morn but got out of going to hosp as no baby sitters!! Just waiting phone call with results of blood tests now!

Hope all is ok with you!!

does sound like we had very simular days- going to go ring hosp for results now. Will keep everyone posted.

Must admit i'm quite nervous about the midwife visiting tommorrow!
Hope everything is OK for you.

Weird how much your BP has fluctuated?! :shock:
I totally empathise babe, i've been in hospital 5 times in past 3 weeks with high BP, mine has been 160/110. It happens every time it gets checked and i end up getting admitted, then of course it goes down. I now have a care plan where i'm only admitted if its over 150/100, as its obvious i have pregnancy induced high Bp (hypertension).
Don't panic, its not always a sign of something sinister, very common with first time mums, just always contact your mw if u have headache, blurred vision. :hug: :hug: :hug:
you poor thing hugs from me
:hug: :hug: :hug:
:pray: your blood pressure settles doen soon
lol sarah :hug: :wave:
you poor thing, i hope it settles for you, i was in hospital for nearly 3 weeks before i had jack coz of my bp, i developed pre eclampsia, but hopefully if youre blood results were fine you wont develop this, good luck
My bp has been a problem too -It is worrying, especially if it is coupled with other symptoms of pre eclampsia but also reassuring to have so many check s in a week! I was at the hospital 4 times in 5 days and this was just in case PE was developing. Luckily urine has been clear and no headaches or swelling so I'm back to my usual 1 MW visit a week now.

Hope it's just one of those things for you too- it sounds as if you are getting a good level of care and support though.


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