2nd tri facebook ??


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
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are any of us apart from the few i have :wave: :wave: :wave: are any more of ya on facebook ? if so feel free to add me : Rhian Adger :hug: :hug:
What a good idea! I'm Sarah Jayne on there (yep, theres a million of them) and i dunno how to change my name on there now...oops
Susan Kenny if you want to add me.I need more friends :D .my pics of a mad woman with loads of brown hair in a white halter top(nice)
Ahh if you wanna change your name.. go to Account Settings at the top right of the screen and you can change it there.

Until then.. just add us. Lol x
i have accepted niki and sarah jayne :wave: :wave: :wave: will serach for the rest of u later :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
hiya girlies

im... Hayley Spencer if anyone wants 2 add me, pic is of me and hubby on our wedding day next to a white limo :D
You can add me, my name is Christina Forss.
I'm just addding everyone :clap:
I'm Sarah Jayne on there, as Facebook wont let me change my name details for some bloody reason :x
Long blonde hair, white top, thats me :)
Ok, managed to change mine, its now Sarah Lashmar :D
I'm Ally Sainty on there :D feel free to add me! Pic is of me and my OH xxx
anyone can add me lol im christine samantha jordan and my profile pic is my son signanture lol
I want in!!

My name is Jemma Lowe and my pic on there is one of my 4d babba ones xx

Ive sent some of u requests... others am still searchin for so perhaps add me xx
I'm happy to have new friends on facebook. My name on there is Laurie Anderson Winter :wave:

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