2nd midwife appointment


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2011
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had my second midwife appointment today, had a different lady and she was lovely! said the only thing that was really worrying me atm was whether or not shes gonig to stay in, midwife said if she could she would listen for aheartbeat but unfortunatly she can't hear it till bubs moves up out of the pelvic area. Thought it was really nice of her to say she would help ease my worry if she could. lol.

Basically she just did my blood pressure, weight and height and filled out a load more notes. Gave in a urine sample which was fine too but was really embarrased about it as its bright yellow! its just because of the pregnacare vitamins i'm on but still looked radioactive! :lol:

2 weeks 3 days till my scan! hurry up!!!
Hi Hemera,

Im glad it went well. we are due on the same day, my scan is next monday and I can't wait, but very scared at the same time.
Im hope I can relax a little if everything goes well at the scan :)

wow thats exciting! I'm betting they will put me back a week as my cycles are generally long but hope i can keep my due date. Have to wait till i'm 12+5 for my scan.

Good luck with yours :D looking forward to seeing the picture. fx that everything is good with the scan, its so much more of a worry than i ever thought it would be! lol.
Good luck with yours too, I wonder if my date will change, off the midwife's chart my date is 2nd Oct but I know thats not right as I have had an early scan at 7 weeks and baby measured 6 weeks this fits in with my cycles as Im 35 days not 28!

I will post pic of scan, dont worry your scan will be here before you know it xxx

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