29 weeks today!!

lea m

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
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YAY :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Only 11 more to go till due date! :dance: :dance: :dance:
Im quite cheery today so that is great news after being so low for a while!
Did you know my baby is around 16.7 inches long and weighs nearly 3lbs!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:dance: YAY well done hunni, but its down bank from here :lol: Nah only joking.

:hug: xx
Hee hee thankyou!! I think I may make OH go paint the nursery now! Im getting a bit bored hhahaha
yay! :dance: i was 29 weeks yesterday!
was supposed to have my glucose tolerance test today but i opted out, hope they don't give me a hard time about it when i go see the MW on monday.
Yay :cheer: Congratulations :D

I bet it'll be over before you know it :)
Thanks ladies!!
Chickadee didnt even think of that!! :dance: Though shouldnt anyways as then the last few weeks will drag even more lol

Charlotte I never got asked to go have that test?! I hope MW doesnt give you a hard time!!
Yay! Congrats on the 29 week mark hun! :cheer: This third tri seems to be flying by!

S x
Thanks hun!! Though its not flying by for me hahaha Cant believe how slow it is now especially compared to tri 2!!
charlotte_ said:
yay! :dance: i was 29 weeks yesterday!
was supposed to have my glucose tolerance test today but i opted out, hope they don't give me a hard time about it when i go see the MW on monday.

I had mine today. The glucose drink is still repeating on me a bit. Eurgh!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

yay.... it's mad how we all have these little landmarks in our head. I don't know why but getting to 29 weeks for me felt like it was a big achievement. My next one is 36 weeks so I've only got two left to reach that one.

wonder what benchmark I'll set myself after that :think: :think:
OMG Lea it'll soon be time to start thinking about birth plans and bag packing!!!!!!!

Happy 29 Weeks :hug:

Sarah xxx
CH0C0H0LIC said:
OMG Lea it'll soon be time to start thinking about birth plans and bag packing!!!!!!!
:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: All done hun!! hahaha :lol: Seriously! I have been bored! And my birth plan is "whatever" lol

Thanks ladies!! Chrissy i will be making a post like this each week from now on lol! ;) Helps me keep excited hahaha :lol: :lol:
:shock: already oh my god at this rate by time i get here you will have had your baby :shakehead: you best wait for me lol :rotfl: xxxxxxxxx
:rotfl: Rach but you must be kidding?! Your pregnancy is going far far faster than mine! I will still be weeks off when you have your 2 hahaha

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