28 week Midwife appointment


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Hey ladies!

Hope you are all well today?

I just wanted to share that I had my midwife appointment yesterday and feel very relieved to say that all went well!....I had been worrying about a few things (inlcuding my bump size and my BP- have been quite stressed out at work) but all was fine! She took my blood and will only hear if anything wrong, otherwise get the results at 32 week appointment. BP was fine, urine fine, and fundal height was 29cm and she said we are doing v nicely!:):)

Had a chat about strep b as I was concered that you don't get routinely swabbed but baby can get it if you do and be v unwell- so she said we could do a swab at 36 weeks and be guided by that (I know even if that's clear I could still get it later- but I feel that having a swab is at least some reassurance!). Anyone else had any advice re strep b and testing? Am I worrying unnecessarily?

She also felt for baby's position and I was chuffed that I was right- he was head down! (Had suspected this from the recent pressure on my bladder lol!) I know he may come head up again but for now he just seems to like moving side to side I think, mostly facing my left! Find the movements so reassuring, it's going to be hard not to worry when they start to get less, even though I know they will as space gets less in there!

So I've got 4 weeks before I see her again and just over 4 weeks left at work now- can't wait to finish!

OH and I have booked a 4d scan for when I'm 30 weeks- hoping to get some good pics and a dvd of bubs- let's hope he's in a co-operative mood!

Hope you've all had a good day xxxxx
Glad your appointment went so well :)

I haven't heard anything about strep b... I might ask when I have my 31 week appointment on Monday.

My 29 week appointment was my favourite, I met my new midwife now I've moved, she is so lovely and so much more approachable than my other one. At 29 weeks my fundal height was 31, I'm worried he's going to come early and OH won't be back from offshore!

My LO is head up, he hasn't turned since 25 weeks, so I'm a bit worried, but the midwife says there's plenty of time left so I shouldn't worry. Have had low BP as well, so I've been feeling really dizzy, and my iron levels were dangerously low, so I'm taking 200mg of iron a day. At least nothing bad is going wrong!

Hope all is well with you hun xx
I had my 28 week appt today too! Mine ok as well, she said I looked small but measured just right! Also got low BP and she had a nightmare getting my bloods so that was sore! We talked about home birth she said I can confirm at my 34 week appt.

Ft90- my hubby also works off shore it is a worry isn't it? Luckily he just got a transfer from austrialia to Norway so he can get home quicker if need be!
i had a strep b swab at 36 weeks, came back negative, although it did pick up that i had slight thrush, so got that treated.
Glad all went well, had my one today and all seems to be ok, baby is head down fundal height was 28cm, have to go for an Anti-D injection next week though and having the bloods done today was sore for me too as I always have to have them taken from my hand :wall2: but at least baby is well :dance:
Sarah13 my bloods were a pain as well, the midwife said my veins weren't co-operating!

OH is in Singapore at the moment, then he's sailing to Russia, a two week sail. Then when he's in Russia he'll be getting straight on an 18hr train to the nearest civilisation and then flying to Romania. He'll be in Constanta looking after the company's system, then he'll be able to come home a lot easier! So stressful though doing everything on my own!

Ft90 and Sarah 13- you ladies are v brave and strong managing without your OH's........I am very lucky that my hubby is in a 9-5 job and actually works pretty much next to the hospital!.....I will keep my fingers crossed that your OH's get back in time for the births!

Almeria- that's good to know that the swab may pick up on thrush if that's there too. I'm trying not to stress about it, my MW is lovely and v reassuring so I trust that she will get a swab done at 36 weeks for me and anything else I need if there's an issue!............I see you are almost at your due date now- good luck for b-day hun! Exciting! xxxx
Sarah13 my bloods were a pain as well, the midwife said my veins weren't co-operating!

OH is in Singapore at the moment, then he's sailing to Russia, a two week sail. Then when he's in Russia he'll be getting straight on an 18hr train to the nearest civilisation and then flying to Romania. He'll be in Constanta looking after the company's system, then he'll be able to come home a lot easier! So stressful though doing everything on my own!


Sounds a nightmare for him! My hubby was in Singapore for a while too, he's just been called back to Australia for over time so not too happy as not sure how long he will be gone and only 2 days notice, oh well the money will come in handy!
Sounds a nightmare for him! My hubby was in Singapore for a while too, he's just been called back to Australia for over time so not too happy as not sure how long he will be gone and only 2 days notice, oh well the money will come in handy!

That's the worst bit isn't it? The lack of notice... The time before this one, we had one day's notice before OH went away! He was told it would be in two weeks, then they emailed him his flight details and said actually we need you tomorrow!

This time wasn't so bad because he was actually delayed a week and a half going away so we had time to get everything done and get ourselves prepared!

Hope your OH isn't away for too long!!!

Mum2b410 - Thanks :) Hope he gets back in time, he should be coming home 2-3 weeks before I'm due, but I'm just so paranoid because even my midwife thinks that the way I'm going I won't make my due date!!!

Hope you hang on till he's home! I'm not allowed to go more than 10 days early to make sure he's on paternity leave so fingers crossed I'm on time too!
fingers crossed for both of us! :pray:


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