28 week growth scan today!!

Karate Kid

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2011
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Bit pointless really but we have a growth scan at 2pm today, cannot wait to see how much LO has grown in 8 weeks!!xx
it's great to see LO on screen again. I had 3 growth scans and the last one I saw LO yawn so cute!! Good luck today xx
Oh wow!! thats really exciting! We dont get them where I am, just the 12 and the 20 week ones are standard. boooo hiiisss!

Hope you get some lovely piccies xxx
Oh, that's so exciting. Lucky you, getting to see your LO again. Hope you have a lovely time xx
Oh wow!! thats really exciting! We dont get them where I am, just the 12 and the 20 week ones are standard. boooo hiiisss!

Hope you get some lovely piccies xxx

It's only because I am consultant lead hun because of my history.... it's the only good thing about being consultant lead! I have another at 36 weeks and from what I can read I should be discharged back to my midwifes care after that.... xx
good luck let us know how you get on. i had a scan at 28weeks due to spotting and Lo weighed 3lbs 4oz and a growth scan cos i was measuring big at 33weeks and he was 5lbs 9oz so hes a big boy lol.
had another scan on monday past cos baby is breech but at my 33week and 36+4week scans didnt really make much out cos they are so big at that point. x
i have my 3rd growth scan tommo cant wait to see her again and its only been 2 weeks since i seen her lol wish i could see her all the time i want a scan machine at home :)
good luck let us know how you get on. i had a scan at 28weeks due to spotting and Lo weighed 3lbs 4oz and a growth scan cos i was measuring big at 33weeks and he was 5lbs 9oz so hes a big boy lol.
had another scan on monday past cos baby is breech but at my 33week and 36+4week scans didnt really make much out cos they are so big at that point. x

My son was 5lb 2oz at 33 + 6 weeks. And he was born at 38 + 2 weeks. He weighed 6lb 10 oz. So you never know hun x this time my little boy weighs 5lb 5oz at 34 weeks x so maybe a tad heavier plus he will be born at 39 + 1. By section if not before x

34 weeks pregnant. Team blue!
LO is a healthy little baby!! Growing and measuring absolutely fine. LOs approximate weight is 2lbs and 8oz which is fine.it's getting a little tight for space in there so pictures wise we have a profile and a few feet pics. Just relived that I am doing a good enough a job in growing our baby xx

Yay!! That's great news! Really pleased all is ok. Ahhhh some feet pictures, they are my favs.

Well done on your excellent baby cooking skills xxx
Awww... that's lovely news. So glad that everything is well and your body is doing a great job. xxx

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