27 Weeks To Go!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2013
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Hey lovely ladies, just wanted to drop by and say hello as I havent been able to get on here much lately! :wave:

I have about 27 weeks to go until TTC, feels like a blimin lifetime away still!!! I visited my sister last week and stayed with her and her little baby for 3 days, he is so gorgeous, he is about 7 weeks old now, and so lovely, although a little monster who wont sleep or stop crying until youre holding him! haha but my maternal instincts were going crazy, how do you stop feeling like this??? grrrr!!

Anyway, good news is I have lost 3kg last week on my new diet, woohoo! Only another 2.5 stone to go haha and the month of Feb without buying myself any bags, shoes or clothes is going well 24 days down, 4 more to go!!!! Not sure what to give up/do in March...??! Will have a think!

Hope you ladies are all doing well on this lovely Monday morning xx
Hey there nice to hear you're feeling great :D if you keep breaking months down into good deeds these weeks will fly by. I went to see my friends week old baby the other day soooo tiny and cute making little baby squeeks :sleepy: they're all slow motion when that tiny aahhh. I have another one to meet soon too yay.

My 9 month old girly is amazing me at the moment too. In the last few days after taking the plunge and going for crawling forwards to the toy instead of backwards (hehe) she's now in full swing...crawling around everywhere and cruising around the furniture side stepping...uh oh here comes trouble! :girl:

This morning, (whilst madame moiselle having her nap) I just stumbled across a netflix documentary about 'the secret' ie; how to use the laws of attraction to your advantage. So I've been sat here like a new age hippy ..with my eyes closed visualising my little family in our new home and me holding our new baby and feeling very loved ....haha I'm a banana aren't I :) It's put me in a good mood anyway

Happy Monday and peace out ladies :p x
Good Morning my lovely ladies :wave:
Just checking in and I see these lovely notes from you both. :) Vixx, well done you are fantastic and clearly very dedicated. I have 24 weeks left (that is if I get a BFN this weekend) and though it sounds long it will fly by I am sure.

Stacey, I love the update about your little girlie mine is one in a couple of days and it is amazing how much she can do now. It's easy to get wrapped up in thinking of new babies and missing the miracle that is going on in front of our eyes. :shock: Can't wait to give her a little bro or sis.

I love the visualising thing I may try it on my lunch break as I am not feeling that hot at the minute. :faint:
Kat are you testing at the weekend? Blimey let us know how you get on! Feeling for you hun, if it was me I think I'd be secretly over the moon...hey I might be joining you yet, still no sign of af! (that really would be a miracle!)

If you can bypass the absolute corny-ness of this documentary (I really do cringe at self belief mantras) and you're into that sort of thing, then there are some interesting elements to what they're saying. This is what I was watching earlier:

I'm down to 9 more AFs! I'm actually looking forward to that each month which is just wrong on so many levels! Lol!

I'm sure that time will pass really quickly! I've filled my diary with things to look forward to so I'm always counting down to something!
27weeks until we try! I think it sounds nicer in weeks! :) but yet still so far.

But I come off the pill in 4 packets.

Definitely easier to break down the months with things to look forward to.

Well done for losing that weight vixx.
I agree ladies, saying it in AF's definitely seems more appealing! I haven't had mine yet since come off the pill in January, so Im hoping it will arrive soon...? That way I will at least know my body is working properly (Ive been on the pill for over 10 years), I havent even had any twinges/pains or anything..?! Oh well I will wait and see I guess!

Thanks Tashawink, Im very pleased with the result, Im hoping this week is a good loss too :) x

Thank you Kat! Are you testing this weekend?? How are you feeling about it? Anymore signs of feeling "pregnant"??! Please let us know as soon as you know!!x

Stacey - Haha you do make me laugh! You will really have your hands full over the next few months keeping an eye on that little one of yours, now shes moving around, she will be into all sorts, I forget what thats like its been so long...

Mrs M - thats not wrong at all, I will be the same! (once I start getting mine anyway)!

I was cooking a massive roast on sunday for OH and son (its a rare occasion that i cook these) and OH was in and out of the kitchen helping and son was aswell and I just thought how nice it would be to have a little one running around, being part of it all, it really really hit home then how much I want one!!! Arrrrgh and its bloody ages away haha - give me strength to get through the next few months!x
I count in cycles, much more bearable lol!!

Although I have been naughty and bought it forward by a month (shush, means I would test on holiday - probs on my Birthday if my cycles stay the same!)

Well done on the weight-loss Vixx I still have just over 20lbs to lose :wall2:

(I don't understand metric weight :shock:)

Look forward to hearing what you decide to do for your March challenge

Oh sorry, I think 3kg is about 6.5lb? I still have more than 20lb to go unfortunately, at least I have plenty of time between now and TTC, its something to take my mind off it at least!

So when will you be testing now?? Ohh on your birthday, what a lovely birthday present that would be for you!! x

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