25wk appointment + HIP


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2010
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Hi all,

Just got back from the midwife, heartbeat fine although midwife said wow she's big....I thought I was quite big but to be honest I think my dates were more accurate than their dates (they put me back 10 days at 12wk scan but by their dates I wasn't pregnant when I got my positive test....!)

Got all my forms for maternity allowance etc and booked in my flu jab.

Then I asked about the HIP grant...I'm on the apparent cut off date I was 24+1 on 31st December and had the email confirming that I would get it, but when I asked she said it had stopped. I explained about the email and she agreed to sign it for me so fingers crossed that comes through.

Oh and you apparently don't need to book for the local ante-natal classes here you just turn up anytime after you are 28 weeks, they run for 3 sessions in the evenings on Tues & Thurs so plenty of choice :)

I thought you had to be 25 weeks by Jan 1st to get the HIP grant? Cos I just missed out by 1 week :-(
I got an email from the HIP helpline people saying that you had to be 24+1 by 31st December so technically in your 25th week. I have no idea if I'll get it or not but that was the advice they were giving out so it's worth a go!
Dammit, if that's the case I miss out by just 2 days! Grrrrr!! Bloody David bloody Cameron!!! xx
yes i have got the same email i am going to take it with me when i go for my appointment but dont go till 28 weeks so another 2 weeks i just hope they still have forms then

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