feeling very fed up now!!
im 2 days over due now.. seen my midwife this morning & was hoping for good news.. as per usual that didnt happen!
everythings fine with me & baby.. babys 1/5 so fully engaged!! midwife told me shes going to be a long/big baby as shes deeply engaged but i still have no room in my ribs
also shes turned her back to mine.. so if i go into labour and shes not moved its gonna be painfull 
but im not expecting to go into any time soon as when the midwife went to do a sweep she couldnt even tip the cervix :'( so ive got to see her again next tuesday to try for another sweep & if that doesnt work then some point next week i'll be induced.. something i really didnt want!
think my birth plans gone out the window now! i wanted a natural birth but now ive got a feeling im going to scream for an epidural if she doesnt turn.. i just hope i can push her out & dont end up with a c-sec
im 2 days over due now.. seen my midwife this morning & was hoping for good news.. as per usual that didnt happen!
everythings fine with me & baby.. babys 1/5 so fully engaged!! midwife told me shes going to be a long/big baby as shes deeply engaged but i still have no room in my ribs

but im not expecting to go into any time soon as when the midwife went to do a sweep she couldnt even tip the cervix :'( so ive got to see her again next tuesday to try for another sweep & if that doesnt work then some point next week i'll be induced.. something i really didnt want!
think my birth plans gone out the window now! i wanted a natural birth but now ive got a feeling im going to scream for an epidural if she doesnt turn.. i just hope i can push her out & dont end up with a c-sec
